Monday, July 13, 2009

And So.... We Begin Anew.......

-------- Your tax dollars at work ---------

Dear Reader,
Thank you for your patience, as I recover from my brief sojourn at the Maritime Heart Centre. I'll save you the details but suffice it to say that I am glad to be back and looking forward to the summer to do research, read, write and share with you information gathered and views expressed by folks....... Stay tuned......

Further to my request for more information about the Evaluation of SWSDA last year, here is the reply I received from Mr. Thompson upon my return. Take a good look at the DM's reply and watch for copies of the evaluation and my comments in tomorrow's blog.

In particular, I recommend that you note Mr. Conrad's contact information ..... should you have additional questions after you've had a chance to read the info provided today and tomorrow........