-------- Your tax dollars at work ---------
Spoke to Service Nova
Scotia representative today and was told that to his knowledge the former Minister Jamie Muir did not write a separate letter to
SWSDA about the
UNSM's resolution on the provision of municipal guarantee's for
SURPRISE!Rather.... I am told that the Department wrote to the Union of Nova
Scotia Municipalities (
UNSM), providing a response to all of the resolutions passed by the
UNSM.. You can find this resolution and the purported response at
http://www.unsm.ca/index.php?option=com_docman&task=cat_view&gid=157&Itemid=102Let's read this "response" from the Minister and see if we should be reading between the lines..... Here's what his "response" says.......
1. "There are a number of issues that have to be taken under consideration..."
Where I come from this means.... Whoa... not so fast..... this is more complicated than you suggest....2. "...for this request to move away from the long established policy that limits guarantees..."
I believe in government-speak this means.... We've had this policy for a long time and it is well established.... we really would need incredibly good reasons and justification for changing the way we've done it .3. "My Department will discuss this matter with the Department of Economic Development..."
This means.... it will get complicated and they may not be willing to support this suggestions so we make no promises.4. "...as well as the Municipal Finance Corporation, the entity responsible for issuing borrowing debentures on behalf of municipal government."
As I read it this means.... and if the Department of Economic Development has no objections.... my fallback position will be to refer this to the guys who really decide the borrowing and lending powers of municipalities.... Hey ... pay attention... we're talking BORROWING DEBENTURES HERE! Not just loan guarantees..... this is complicated stuff....RESPONSE:
There are a number of issues that have to be taken under consideration for this request
to move away from the long established policy that limits borrowing guarantees to
municipal corporations that have established under the Municipal Government Act. My
Department will discuss this matter with the Department of Economic Development,
who is responsible for the Regional Community Development Act, as well as the
Municipal Finance Corporation, the entity responsible for issuing borrowing debentures
on behalf of municipal government.
The Honourable Jamie Muir
NOPE..... THIS IS THE KIND OF RESPONSE GOVERNMENT WRITES WHEN THE ANSWER IS NO.... I WOULDN'T TAKE MUCH COMFORT FROM IT IF I WERE MR. ANDERSON....Indeed... it looks like Mr. Anderson is trying to make something out of thin air.... sorry... doubt it'll work this time......What do you think?