Monday, April 20, 2009

Government of Nova Scotia Travel Policy


As a reference I am providing the URL for the Government of Nova Scotia's Travel Policy setting out meal allowances and other expenses allowed to civil servants while traveling on public business. Just copy and paste the URL at the end of this blog in your browser.

You may want to compare the expense claims of SWSDA's CEO to the government's policy as you read my blogs on this subject over the next months.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read the travel and meal section of this publication, and it appears nothing has changed since my days as a silly servant. How did Frank get the impression he could circumnavigate the system? Could it be that Hurlburt's claims are submitted in the same manner?

I've emailed both the Fed and Prov Offices of the Auditors, but I can't imagine they haven't been looking into this by now. As someone has said previously, this could involve millions in shady dealings alone, if he was this fraudulent with expenses.

I doubt if many are up to speed on MacDonnell's involvement in the Digbywharfgate, but if that is any indication of their business ethics, we are in for a rough ride.

I know a place that would suit these fellows well, and it serves three square meals a day, with one hour of exercise, and a cot to sleep on. They might even be allowed to stay there for a few years.