Thursday, June 18, 2009


-------- Your tax dollars at work ---------


In my last posting.... I said SWSDA was going to disappear....

Guess I jumped the gun.... You'd think I would know better.....

In SWSDA's world.... nothing is as it appears!!

In fact dear reader.... Mr. Anderson not only doesn't intend to let SWSDA disappear.... he wants it to multiply like a rabbit according to my sources....!!

Reporters close to the scene indicate that not only does Mr. Anderson intend to keep the present SWSDA alive but he plans on creating a second SWSDA incorporated under the Regional Communities Development Act....!!

Sounds like a bad Science Fiction B- Movie.... if Mr. Anderson and his cohorts have their way, we'll have SWSDA I and SWSDA II.... !! A morphing job .... no one expected....!!

Can you imagine.... how creative is that!!!

Whatever SWSDA I can't do.... Mr. Anderson and his crew will be able to do as SWSDA II if they have their way......

AND....imagine how creative Mr. Anderson and others can be with the accounting systems, book entries and account keeping with two SWSDA's .... one that can own land and another that can't one that is separate and unencumbered by being a municipal body and one that can funnel money to the other.... wow... how neat is that!!!

Sorry folks..... I think if you want to re-define RDAs in this region and the support they provide our communities and citizens in their pursuit of social and economic development.... this is too important an exercise to have it conducted under the aegis or watchful eye of those who've led us down this path already.....SWSDA and its staff and unaccountable Board of Directors.

Lets take control of this process as concerned citizens and make sure that the politicians understand our intent to get this done right.


Anonymous said...

Now if you had a hen house and a gang of wolves broke in and ate all your hens, then decided to camp out in you hen house and you had a truck load of new hens arriving, the logical thing to do is toss the new hens into to the wolves.

Anonymous said...

I think there should be a All New SWSDA, with a new CEO.

If there is no new CEO. I vote there should not be a SWSDA.

I sure hope our elected officials come to their senses.

Anonymous said...

Where are our elected municipal wanna bee politicians?Dear Lord bring PG back..............................
Mayor Delaney: has anyone seen him? Is he OK?

Anonymous said...

We sure hope those "reporters close to the scene" are pulling your leg Ed, because otherwise it would appear Frank and Richie are either hallucinating or have gone off the deep end.
Premier Dexter and our new Minister of ERD, Percy Paris, will soon straighten this RDA out with a forensic audit, and Paris is not going to be a pushover for Ian Thompson.
- yagottahavefaithintheorange!

Anonymous said...

Mr Anderson earned the title"Teflon Frank"!!! Meanwhile where are our elected officials?

Unknown said...

Anon 12:31 asks "Where are our elected officials?" It is my understanding that, while saying publicly they will be bringing this issue to the public for serious input, they first plan to have a meeting between themselves to plan a strategy for moving forward.

A more prudent course would be to hold the public meetings for directions from ratepayers, THEN meet to discuss strategy.

Let's see how they all deal with the one large issue by which they may be remembered in time.

Anonymous said...

Teflon Frank must be hanging onto false promises from Richie. It seems he has Delaney in control with promises of the Shelburne Wharf funding. Who knows what the other four Shelb. Co. reps are thinking at this stage? Sterling is going to have lots of 'splaining to do if they forget their promise.

Anonymous said...

Forensic audit, full government inquiry, RCMP & charges, all others involved removed from these boards permanently. Nothing less.

Anonymous said...

The elected officials are part of the "big issue" ! Does not anyone else see this?The first logical step now would appear to hire researchers to find a cure for Apathy!!!

Anonymous said...

"People have moved beyond apathy, beyond skepticism, into deep cynicism." - Elliot Richardson
Anon 7:31, This seems to address your frustration with the 80% of folks who either don't care or are too busy keeping their heads above water. Joe Q. Public has seen so much in the way of corruption at all political levels, he has accepted politicians as liars and cheats. How telling that it is has taken Ed and Tim to inform the citizens of the area of what has been going on under their noses, while our local pols and business leaders allowed it to go on for so many years. Silence isn't golden on this issue folks, so speak now or forever...