Saturday, June 27, 2009

A funny Thing Happened on the Way to Heart Surgery!

-------- Your tax dollars at work ---------

For those of you who have kindly wished me well .... Thank you....

I guess a medical update is due and here it is... Last Wednesday at precisely 10:00 AM an ambulance backed into the emergency doors of Roseway Hospital and loaded yours truly into the back of the vehicle.... My journey to Halifax for open heart surgery on Thursday morning was about to begin and although filled with some trepidation, I was looking forward to having it completed and beginning rehabilitation.... and posting in earnest!

For those of you who have never had the pleasure .... ambulance rides from Shelburne to Halifax are bumpy and uncomfortable despite the caring hands of those in the "bus"..... an hour later we were entering Port Mouton when the ambulance slowed down and eventually pulled over to the side of the road....lying there, my mind went through a series of reasons why they might be stopping... including a stop for coffee... When the attendant came to the back of the ambulance, he sat down and advised me that they had just received a call advising them to return to Shelburne and Roseway.... my surgery had been cancelled because the QE2 had two heart transplants that they were working on and all other surgery would have to be re-scheduled.

Since then, we have waited for the call from Halifax and last night I was advised that I would leave Shelburne Monday morning and that my surgery was now scheduled for Tuesday June 30th!

Sooo.... here I am folks making some last minute postings to you and filling you in on what's happening.

So much to share and so little time.....

Keep posted.....


Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear of the delay in your surgery Ed - we've all heard of delays happening, but when you're in "midflight on the 103" and to have it happen must have been a real bummer. Our thoughts will be with you during the coming days, and we'll be waiting for the good news when you get through it all with flying colours! You've got lots in the community sending all the best to you and your family.
Sincerely, Shirley Fry

Anonymous said...

BEST WISHES IN WHAT MEDICAL DEMANDS AWAIT....You certainly have been impressive in sharing so many interesting enlightening facts about how things and people got shafted by poor judgement or by dastardly cheats. Our town missed out on a very wise human being to have been our mayor....but things happen for a reason and hopefuly your wise ideas are catching on by others who could help swing things around ! SINCERE GOOD WISHES FOR IMPROVED HEALTH !!!!!!!!