Sunday, July 26, 2009


-------- Your tax dollars at work ---------

Dear Reader:

Sorry for the long hiatus between posts.... lots of excuses..... even some good reasons! Now we are truly back....... so ..... have a seat and a read and lets get this accountability blog back in stride.


You will recall that SWSDA indicated that the upcoming AGM would be presented with a number of amendments to the bylaws as well as the audited financial statements of the organization.
1. Will Board members have these documents available well before the AGM so they can review them and seek direction from their respective municipal councils?
2. Given the Deputy Minister's correspondence requiring all RDAs (including SWSDA) to be incorporated now under the Rural Communities Development Act, what purpose is served by amending SWSDA's bylaws under the Societies Act since SWSDA the Society will no longer be an RDA and no longer will be eligible for core funding as an RDA at the end of this fiscal year?
3. Will the proposed changes to the SWSDA bylaws create future obligations for the present members of the Board?
4. Has the Agenda for the AGM been circulated and has a date been set for the meeting?
5. Has SWSDA prepared a transition plan or proposal for consideration by the Board?
6. How will the present legal obligations, debt and assets of SWSDA the Society be dealt with when one or more RDAs are created to replace the old SWSDA?
7. Will municipalities be asked to provide the $506,000 in guarantees now pledged to SWSDA the Society to the new RDA or RDAs?
8. What happens to the $506,000 in municipal guarantees presently pledged for SWSDA the Society?
9. What happens to the $84,000 in additional guarantees presently provided by the Municipality of Shelburne for SWSDA?
10. What happens to the money owed by SWSDA to the Shelburne County Business Development Corporation?
Questions..... lots of questions..... anyone got answers?
In my experience SWSDA likes to make changes and get approvals from an inattentive Board in the middle of the summer.... let's hope that isn't permitted to happen again this year.
Ask your representative on the SWSDA Board..... and while you are at it let's make sure that only real Board members get to vote.... not proposed Board members or alternates who don't legally have a vote......


Anonymous said...

Now that MOST of our Shelb. Co. reps have pulled their heads out of the sand, Frank has lost his control over them.
They can count on you for talking points Ed, and it is good to see our TWO local blogspots are active again.
Has Frank fired his legal team? It seems they have exacerbated a situation for years, much to their benefit. What a wa$te with the upcoming losses they are facing in Oct. and Jan.
Hope you're having lots of good days now - you had us worried! BTW, the Performance Review results aren't ready for release yet?

Anonymous said...

Welcome back, Mr. Cayer !!!!!!!!!!!

Many have been anxiously awaiting to hear from you!!!!!!!!!!!

Best wishes and now to keep up your great way of enlightening many/some still in bushes !KEEP ON KEEPIN' ON !!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes,yes,perhaps Frank has been a bad boy but what about all the boys and girls who have lameducked their way through the whole mess?Are they not equally guilty by more than mere association!Why is the Shelbure mayor in hiding?Where are the councillors? I am not convinced that our local pols have their heads out of the sand.Why doesn't the local newspaper interview the whole lot and record in the paper what is said and who refused to come clean?Where is the COC?

Anonymous said...

Those boys and girls on the BofD gave Frank the reins - his MO of using the fear factor served him well over the years.
Yes, I agree the Coast Guard has failed miserably in the past; let's hope they mend their reporting on local issues.
As for the Chamber of Self-Contentedness - other than Timothy, who had the nerve to point out SWSDA's chicanery, and who spoke up to support his message. Hmmm, now there's a future candidate for Mayor!

Anonymous said...

Anyone know who pays the legal fees, for SWSDA and its CEO and board members?

Anonymous said...

This has to get in the Coastguard.Not everyone reads blogs!Our local pols are getting paid for...what!Call your local pol:Mayor - Al Delaney- 875-4747
Deputy Mayor - Elizabeth Acker - 875-3044
Councilor - Karen Mattatall - 875 4348
Councilor - Elizabeth Rhuland - 875 3800
Councilor - Michael Race - 875 4155
Councilor - Bernard Nickerson -875-1611
Councilor -Tony Mahaney - 875-4670
GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, what is 5:34 pm insinuating? That wouldn't be Frank posting a comment trying to incite the fear factor would it - or is that an innocent question deserving a reply?
If it's someone who feels dragging everything through the courts to delay justice is the road to take - wrong.
All it has done is delay any hope this area had of growth. In the long run it has cost us a fortune - loss of jobs, loss of two prime properties for a pittance that ended up in Frank's coffers, and the loss of time our councils could have devoted to more fruitful endeavors. All thanks to Frank, his city hounds, the inept voting board members, and the silent nonvoting members who watched the whole train wreck and looked the other way.
Check with Ms. Louise Halliday, who has the insurance coverage all figured out. It was she who was concerned about her coverage as a member of SWSDA's board...
The wheels of justice are finally beginning to pick up speed...

Anonymous said...

Today's blog has us all wondering what Frank thinks he can accomplish without complying with Thompson's 'orders'. Is he flogging a dead horse or does he feel Hurlburt still has a bit of drag in DD's books. We figured his days were numbered with the new gov, but now with talk of the AGM we are having a job imagining our reps wasting their time even attending the meeting.Geez this final act is way toooo long!

Anonymous said...

Is someone a little jealous of the positive work and incredible impact that Frank's hard a$$ style has made on the region?

To be honest, I am very excited to see the development and progress that has been made possible by Frank... Don't think you'll have the guts however to include a comment like this one on your blog though...

How about when we see YOU make as many positive contributions to the economy, projects happen, and get as many people/groups to work together, to invest, to co-operate, etc.; as Frank has helped make happen- THEN you can spend your time blogging about him? Deal? Your readers talk about chicanery- ironically, I find this blog and it's comments to be pulling more of it than I've seen from SWSDA to date...

Quit your complaining and make to REAL change to happen in your communities by helping clean them up, help the needy, teach kids to read, do something a tad more productive with your time!!

Anonymous said...

Seeing how the local pols do not come out on their own, let me suggest that the local news web site master go ask each one directly.

Anonymous said...

Good day everyone !
I wish you,Ed and Tim ,would get vocal on radio and TV because there are too many(without this means of gaining news) who need to be made aware by your well informed way of presenting facts that do concern all walks of life.
An example of our too quiet town council is the jeopardy of our county losing more jobs due to slowness of those who should have been trying to fix problem of "BOAT SLIP" long ago ! Sad to see what more families are going through with their incomes unstable. WHO CAN WE TRUST?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like some nerves have been unlatched.Its time for a real showdown but we all must be involved.
One positive sign in Shelburne is the new furniture store. Mr Gooddick provided good service but lacked space. We should all thank him for the initial step.

Anonymous said...

I'm back to question blogger who respects Frank Anderson's actions....Tell us what you know that we don't!How has he helped our area and,yes, most of us can pat ourselves on back for good deeds but we are too busy still doing positive things without needing a push!
Fairness,honesty and respect for sincere workers in need of help from those put in power would be an eye-opener !

Anonymous said...

Hope more have called our puppets sitting in rollercoaster chairs ready for quick upset if they don't start being squeaky....
Cannot believe how shallow ,in their clicks, they have become and look out as town taxes will soar as many more disillusioned folks exit from this beautiful; but marred by want- a -bes guarding their secure feelings and positions that are ready to be shaken.Their smugness cannot last.

Anonymous said...

There seems to be quite a cast of characters acting in this little farce. I especially like the performances of Mary and Jimmy, Ralston and Capt. Jeff. I understand that Yarmouth will be treated to some rivetting performances, along with some expert juggling, in the very near future. I understand the tickets are very expensive.

Anonymous said...

I wish we all were as excited about the progress as Anon 10:40 is. I only wish more detail was given about what we could be excited about. Hmmm, the Sandy Pt. lighhouse, good thing; and Birchtown's Cultural Centre, good thing; and I'm thinking that I'm missing something here...
Please fill us in Anon 10:40!!!
Also, do you realize the hours Mr. Cayer spends volunteering within his community, and I know of many others who post on this blogspot who have done more for Shelburne Co. than Frank has accomplished in his 13+ years.

Anonymous said...

OOPS, where are our reporters ? Don't leave ship now as you are catching interesting views...
It is good to see variety of input. I enjoy a clear debate......

Please, continue with the facts many have not learned....or some are still wearing blinders.

Anonymous said...

Anon/07/27/09 think about it. Respect Frank!! Has to Frank himself or someone under his spell.
Could it be Mayor Delaney? Who knows.Move on.

Anonymous said...

Geez, I'm still expecting a lightning bolt to zap my modem as I anxiously wait for "Mr./Ms. Excited's" details on the progress that we can all get excited about.
Does anyone know what they are referring to, or did I really miss something when I scanned through SWSDA's projects through the years and saw little mention of Shelburne County - that includes your district Ms. Halliday...
It is good to see so many taking the time to voice their opinions - you were missed Ed. It is about the only way we are going to see any action from the Wardens and Mayors of the area - they hate negative publicity!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:40 - Surely you're just getting the folks all riled up for your amusement.
I can't stop snickering over, "...the incredible impact that Frank's hard a$$ style has made on the region..." Whoa, I'd never have dreamt of reading such complimentary support of this CEO - it's gotta be a tongue in cheek thang - or maybe it's one of his mobsters - bada, bada, bing...

Anonymous said...

Oh goody, I can't wait for those riveting performances in Y'mouth - I gotta get me a front and centre for that! I overheard someone say they've dropped a few balls during their latest routines. Maybe they're losing their touch?

Anonymous said...

The poster defending Franko, I figure is from a newspaper editor, feeling they have to justify their pathetic lack of journalistic integrity. I recognize the phasing and train of thought. Too late, your train passed the station.

Anonymous said...

What is AGM ?

Anonymous said...

Great questions for our reps if they waste their time going to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) - that will be an all-nighter.

Yes, the 60's treehouse boy would be the only editor who has seen much in the way of progress. That's okay - we'll let 'em have their SWSDA all to themselves!

Anonymous said...

Great input everyone !
Let's have sincere ideas to rid our turf from the negative publicity and give ideas for positive ways get on a track that will see our town/county all working for true interest of all our good hard-working citizens....

Anonymous said...

Frank informed the board members that the AGM would be delayed until he received the yearly audit. Who knows if Wheelan & White are still working on the books, and what's the latest word from Sterling? Geez Marie, we've heard more from Darian and Sherm than we've heard from our MLA.
BTW, did anyone else read Keddy's last mail out - yep, he's done a lot for this region hasn't he - LOL!!!
fr: once"c"nowindie

Anonymous said...

I'm going to throw my two cents into the ring. Don't jump on me when I remind consumers that every cent that is spent outside our area decreases any hope of local investor interest. We were a self-sufficient community years ago with shoe, quality clothing, jewelery, general merchandise, and 3 or 4 grocery stores. Hmmm, progress seems to have done us wrong. Ah, to have a shoe store that carried slingbacks and sandals - I'm off to a neighbouring shopping area - pity!!! Support Our Independent Local Business Owners.

Anonymous said...

Municipality of Shelburne Committee of the Whole Mtg. 8 Jun 09 (prior to NDP win) -
7.d. Motion: #1...recommended MofS not to renew its membership to SWSDA beyond 31 Dec 09...
Amendment: ...motion to STRIKE item #1. recommendation from motion (7.d.)
Then they go into discussion of whether they can manage development without Frank's guidance - LOL!
Of course you can manage development of the area without SWSDA. Don't operate like your predecessors with secrecy and deception, and you'll pass with flying colours. Think of your time and our dollars you will save in the process.

Anonymous said...

It is of interest to note that for all the criticism of local business and local pols they do not respond in defense. Well,we are not going way this time.

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't Delaney 'splain how he is progressing with funding for the wharf extension and road upgrade? Who is he afraid of - the ratepayers or YAIC? Seems to us he'd do better dancing with the folks who brought him, rather than skulking in the shadows with the goodfellas! He'll be remembered as the one term mayor who loved photo ops, but never spoke on issues!

Anonymous said...

With the letter from the deputy minister requiring an overhaul , Why would anyone overhaul anything and put back in the parts that need to be replaced. That means why put the same CEO back in place. Why put back the same board members. If there were to be another SWSDA there should be all new people.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anon 12:42 - Nope, if the old town were going to die, it would have done so years ago. We're just in a transition phase - LOL. Take a walk along our waterfront, look up and down the harbour, and tell me this place doesn't have potential. If the old diehards would put their collective brains together, work together, and scrap partisan politics for the good of the county, we'd see progress. I'm having second thoughts about amalgamation... Start thinking about municipal leaders we can support in the future folks - we need doers, not more of the old self-serving tripe - oops type.

Anonymous said...

Transition phase has hurt many families without luck nor laughter (LOL)over the years.
Great for you folks with financial securities to be more positive with your outlook.....

Anonymous said...

Gerald Keddy stands on the outer rim of activity
dreading another election at which tome he will be ousted.He will never be anything but a backbencher who wonders 'what happened'.His interests are not with the fishery or Shelburne County.

The town Is dying and to deny the obvious is rather silly.But there is is still breath and hope.Once we all realise that the days of untendered government contracts and customer gouging is over things can improve.

Unfortunately we lack the amusement of tumbleweed gazing.WE elected the councillors!Remember?Next time step up to the plate as an independant without personal agenda and if elected do not become a puppet.Last election we elected two new good people but why the rest of the bunch?

Anonymous said...

Has anyone asked Premier Dexter, Minister Belliveau or Minister Paris, when exactly is the forensic audit of SWSDA taking place?????????

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, we're waiting to hear from the excited troll.

Anonymous said...

l:56, Keddy is a drive-by campaigner who lost my vote when he hired our ex-muni rep and then had the gall to appoint her to represent him as a non-voting member of SWSDA. Stupid is as stupid does.
1:49, Nope, definitely not secure with the monetary crisis. Call it gallows humour - better to laugh than cry!

Anonymous said...

Good day everyone !

Keep your thoughts flowing and hope more will get the fever...This is great way to share views with ideas that can be absorbed by caring ,helpful citizens !

Anonymous said...

2:52 Sterling's campaign promised an audit of SWSDA.Remember that one Sterling?We saved your campaign brochure.Percy,it's your move now.Check(it out)mate!

Anonymous said...

Anyone know who ased the Ombudsman to look into SWSDA and does anyone know if the Ombudsman was wearing his glasses?

Anonymous said...

Everyone seems to have a grasp of the problem.Is it not time for action?

Anonymous said...

New month with hopes for positive updates are in the minds of many. Ed,say you are busy preparing all good news.
Tim should have variety of events to elaborate on after the long pause.
We need fresh input,please.

Anonymous said...

Long weekend for many....looonnggg days working to make a living in jobs that do not have fringe benifits for many.But each job being done is equally important to keep the community operating.Be proud hard-working,poorly paid folks who often are over-looked...with what you "honestly" accomplish each day while your bosses flaunt what you really helped him/her reap .REWARDS CAN BE TOO SLOW COMING...BE PATIENT !

Anonymous said...

Tim you say( Anon:5:14 am).Me thinks he works both sides! Know!!

Anonymous said...

Who can answer two questions we've been chewing over:
l. Why did our Auditor General LePointe say he didn't have the authority to audit SWSDA? That is supposedly our check and balance within gov...
2. Is our Shelburne Business Development Corp. doing a good job? We read on their website that 33 applications were approved one year and 32 jobs were created - is it serving the area well?
Answers anyone? Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Pleople are say that Tim's on the protected list!Say iy isn't so ED.....................

Anonymous said...

Also how come the "word verification thing" comes up when certain words / names are used. Are these comments really anon? We have a right to know!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

This blogspot has been so informative to so many who were in the dark for so long. Now we can see why our county didn't show any major growth during the boom years. Yes, it's a great place for retirees with our cheap real estate and great shoreline, but we've lost big time in not attracting new business to the area. This site is showing our Wardens and Mayors that they have work to do in communicating with their electorate. One week we are encouraged by media interviews, and then it appears they return to their sleep mode.
Thanks Ed for bridging this chasm - they have no excuse for not speaking out now!

Anonymous said...

Good day all sincere caring citizens !

Yes, it is sad when we cannot trust the privilege of anonymous blogging. Have noticed interesting groupies in coffee gatherings that become very quiet or lost in gossip at time of greeting !One is certainly a reg... blogger!!!
Such is life for over achievers....Hope trust can be restored with helpful facts.

Anonymous said...

No answer for Anon-o8/01/09/&:12? This may be scaring some good comments off!!!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful to hear from you,once more Ed.
Great to be refreshed with facts to remind each of us and encourage proper use of this sight.

Anonymous said...

If we want more of the same we just have to keep our keyboards idle and complain to our spouses/friends about what a useless RDA (aka Frank's Society) we have. There are many who would prefer SWSDA's failure not be discussed. With Hurlburt out of the picture, who's going to put the pressure on Percy to get moving on this issue yesterday???

Anonymous said...

Everyone seems to overlook Chris d'tremont!

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:09 pm, In re of "groupies in coffee gatherings that become very quiet", is there a possibility you are reading too much into this? I bet there are lots of interesting topics being discussed at our local coffeehouses, but I doubt if what they were discussing was related to SWSDA or Ed's blog or Tim's blog, but the typical small town fare of who is messin' with whom and the like. Give them a big smile on your next meeting and you'll likely receive the same. Hey, this reads like a Mary or Jimmy response - not!

Anonymous said...

How can we get the local media to report in depth on the issues discussed here? I rather think that the local pols think we will tire out and go away.Are we waiting for Ed to it all.It so we'd better start typing ideas.While we rant about SWSDA (and we should) what are the local pols up to?

Anonymous said...

The surest way to hurt a newspaper is through its advertisers. I know, we should be shopping locally, but until our business owners speak up for the community they rely on, do we really owe them our business? Maybe it's time for some meaningful tactics here. Be vocal and voice your discontent with our weekly, our neighbouring radio stations and their sponsors, and most of all your town and municipal reps. Seems the only way to get their attention in through their pocketbook.

Anonymous said...

Whoa, this is going to go over well - not! I can see your point, but we'd be hurting their staff in the process. It would be great if we had true leaders within our business sector willing to speak out, but they're a rare breed today!
Ed and Tim are the closest we're going to get to unelected leaders who are willing to stick their necks out, and they take a lot of flack in return. We owe them big time!

Anonymous said...

My compliments on your recent letter to The Coast Guard regarding their failure to fulfill their Fourth Estate responsibilities in our democratic society in reporting on the critical issues addressed in this blog.

The next time any of us communicates with them regarding that failure, we should remind them that simply moving to an on-line, electronic edition won't save their bottom line if the content is simply shovelware from the print edition.

As this blog demonstrates, "markets are conversations". To the extent that The Coast Guard reports only a small marginal fraction of that conversation, it will condemn itself to irrelevance and ultimate financial failure.