Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Six More Days to Vote!

-------- Your tax dollars at work ---------


Today's new survey question generates near unanimity amongst voters for public input in defining the new RDA.

Have you voted? Only six more days left to record your views and respond to the survey.

Check it out ... just to the left of this posting.


Anonymous said...

88% want public input? While technically true, YOU ONLY HAVE 14 VOTES

Anonymous said...

In the advertising world those would be big numbers - enough to make companies sit up and rethink their how they were promoting their product or political biases.

Joyce Case Harlow " Nanny of the North" said...

Any citizen who would allow the municipal politicians or any politician for that matter, to create an RDA without public input should have their head examined !! Why would the public not understand that allowing this is where we make our biggest mistakes. There should always be open forum on anything affecting the public at large.

Anonymous said...

Good on ya Nanny Joyce! Your chance to see citizens in action is this Thursday, 7pm at SRHS. If our representatives are smart they'll make a point of attending also, or their seats will be in jeopardy the next go-round! See Shelburne County Today for details.

Anonymous said...

I'm interested in tonight's meeting having just read Shelburne County Today on the number of questionable contracts awarded without proper tendering.
Our local, provincial and federal representatives have failed us miserably. It's been said, "It's not what you know, but who you know.", and we're all paying the price for this old boys club way of doing business.
I hope tonight's speakers will have some answers to many of our questions.........

Anonymous said...

Hopefully honest citizens can put a positive spin with future progress in our area and let the right people get to work clearing the dishonest people from their continued activities creating more problems.

Best wishes to those who can make a difference in a positive way in town and county!!!!

Anonymous said...

So sad and yet so humourous - SCToday's latest cartoon. Yes, we can only imagine what docs have been shredded since June, but there are paper trails that will never be destroyed and Timothy has the know how on accessing them - kudos to the best investigative journalist in N.S. - they're a dying breed for sure!

Anonymous said...

I hope that the Municipal leaders are in fact infavor of a new RDA for Shelburne county.

I also hope that they understand that if the board is supposed to made up with members of the pubic out numbering the elected council members. The elected members are not supposed to dominate the public members. Something like that.