Thursday, December 10, 2009

-------- Your tax dollars at work ---------


When SWSDA talks about all the projects they have organized and are running for us, do you know what they are talking about? Well you should.

They account for millions of dollars each year being spent in the name of development for our communities. Take a look at the latest project report for SWSDA and tell me what you see.

For example, does anyone know why the C@P summer students for 2008 are listed on this 2009/2010 report?

Does anyone know.... what the Community Access Society does, why their budget for this year is $55,000 and why they've spent 50% mmore than the entire year's budget after only six months?

And, why C@P projects .... are listed under Business & Investment services?

And do you realize dear reader .... that if you remove the C@P expenses from this category that SWSDA's total Business & Investment portfolio projects for nine municipalities in three counties is less than $80,000!

Oh.... and I haven't begun to ask questions about this Shelburne SoundStage/Park project with a budget of $75,000, no funding identified and no explanation!

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