-------- Your tax dollars at work ---------
Dear Reader:
There are many ways to ruin a blog. One is to post comments provided by readers that are clearly libelous. By publishing other people's libel the blogger becomes guilty of libel. I have rejected a handful of blogs over the past few months because they made statements that could be challenged in court. Of the hundreds of comments provided by readers, a handful have been rejected by yours truly as inappropriate for that reason.
Another way to ruin a blog is to spam it with the same message repeated over and over again. That is why the coded message confirmation pops up on occasion. It is a "blogspot application" to help control spam blitzes. Only one reader has tried to do that copying a message supporting SWSDA and Mr. Anderson over a dozen times in less than three minutes.... even with the confirmation message. Needless to say, I didn't post the dozen repeated message.... although I did let one copy get through.
A third and more insidious way to destroy blogs is to raise red herrings bringing into question how the blog is administered or who reads and comments on the blog. In the last couple days an anonymous poster has done that asking rhetorical questions about the integrity of the anonymous function on this blog. Let me assure my readers that the software I am using is google software and I am unable to tell who anonymous posters are. In three comments submitted in quick succession that person has suggested that I am protecting Tim, that anonymous posts may not be anonymous, suggested that there is collusion amongst readers who choose to identify themselves as a group.... you know what I mean..... the old "do you still beat your wife " type of question. ... with a quick accusation that the lie must be true if I didn't respond to the red herring statements within 24 hours in mid-summer!
Of course all of these comments have been submitted by someone who prefers to remain anonymous... even though he/she questions the integrity of the anonymous function and keeps submitting comments.... Funny how that works.....
I have posted all of these because I wanted to share with you dear reader some of the challenges associated with managing a blog. You will of course note that had I wanted to I could have started swsdaaccountability as an anonymous blogger and google would never have identified who I was. Even a court order would not have pried my name from google had I wished to remain anonymous...... The same rules apply to those who comment on my blogs anonymously. Unless you identify yourself in your comments.... no one will ever know who you are.
Ombudsman Act
It took a while but the petition from Concerned Citizens of Shelburne
15 years ago
Good for you Ed, don't worry, the fact that we have these people where they should be, exposed, is a bit of a worry to them. I think they should all find a hobby, and stay away from Economic Development completely.
Thanks Mr Cayer for clarifying your inability to identify those who post comments on your site. This allows more concerned citizens to ask questions and raise issues relevant to the topics without their neighbours knowing - LOL.
-Do Not Feed The Trolls (DNFTT)
WE trust you Ed! Not everyone understoods blogging. Now people lets get the job done.
Cleared and ready for good debates once more,Ed!
Life is full of twists and turns.
This has been a long 'CROOKED' road !
Hope the crooks are made to pay for their dishonest deeds !
Your information has brought my friends lots of interesting conversations.We had a few nonbelievers who have changed their tune after reading your FOI results.Thank heavens we still have the freedoms we do in this country. Maybe your troublemaker is suffering from paranoia and thinks everyone knows who he is?
Maybe all of us Anonymousers should come out of the closet and add our names to our comments. Certainly would add validity!
Good morning !
Perhaps it is time to put this site to rest....
It has lost its purpose.
There might be something interesting to read. How many meals and drinks did Frank charge to his expense account ? How many dollars ? That would be interesting.
7:37 - Seems the trolls are getting antsy.Ed isn't feeding you - remember? DNFTT!
We know that the malicious troll's ruse is backfiring Ed. This only adds to the need for your blogspot if those who are running scared are willing to risk using him. I wonder what SWSDA's computer geek would advise you to do??? I think we know the answer to that...
What is new at the old youth center complex ?
We have another furniture store.How many new jobs were created?
Sobeys needs some competition.....BUT MANY FOLKS ARE NOW IN habit of going to Super Store for good bargains that Sobeys IT APPEARS does not need to encourage more locals to spend in Shelburne.... Their pockets are well padded !
Boat slip is giving a sinking feeling and our council is still stunned or out of town ,also ??????????? Disappointing !
Right well, I just found out what this internet use of the word troll is, that's pretty funny here I was thinking about the fat wart-riddled guy gaurding Franks drawbridge. Actually, bring it on trolls, the more the merrier, I think the people need soneone to inflame them. This is taking too long and opprotunity is passing us by. I did something about it I wrote again to Darrell & Percy, they are getting paid good money, I figure they best start earning it. I think think you all should drop them a note as well.
9:16 - Paris is busy getting up to speed on years of ERD misdeeds, and no doubt he'll read your comment - bet he'll get a chuckle out of it too. Darrell has a lot of work ahead of him and he and Sterling have that promise of an audit to fill, so let's give them time to get their ducks in a row. The fall is going to be sooo interesting when things start moving again. Cheers!
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