-------- Your tax dollars at work ---------
Have you taken a moment to express your views on our new survey question?
Ombudsman Act
It took a while but the petition from Concerned Citizens of Shelburne
14 years ago
The days of making major decisions behind closed doors are long gone - aren't they? We have the right to know what the various options are before we allow our councils to begin taking steps in the creation of a new RDA. This is OUR chance to get it RIGHT.
If a new RDA is formed (whether it be with five councils, or three councils) we have to ensure we have a competent CEO. We know of one well qualified member of our community who knows the ins and outs of development and is well experienced with our past woes, but it appears he has a full plate as it is - pity!
BTW (off topic), we have to find a middle ground when we begin anew on development in the area. Which is more important, employment in the pulp and paper industry, or "saving trees" through use of recycled paper. There are many local jobs involved in forestry and our economy will suffer when these jobs disappear. Our renewable resources are there for responsible harvesting which many of our woodsmen in the area have been doing for years. This biosphere/eco-tourism thing could be a thorn in the sides of many. Moderation will go a long way in garnering co-operation within our communities.
Chuckle of the day from the Chronicle Herald reporting on Corbett's (plus two guests) high on the hog meal expenses, while Belliveau submitted a meal expense (no guests) from A&W. Maybe Corbett has been reading your blog Ed and thought he'd try racking up a hefty expense claim during his first months in cabinet - everyone else seems to be getting away with it. Good to see the Herald keeping track of their expenses so early in the game!
1051 I went to Timothy's website to see what he had on NDP meal expenses but couldn't get on. Who knows how long it has been down.
I read the food expenses the Deputy Premier submitted and he treated his guests well didn't he! There was more than food on his tab because it works out to about $70. per. Hmmm that would be a "happy" meal wouldn't it? Did you see the Valley HA Fin Dept is undergoing a forensic audit? They manage funds for the South Shore too. What the hey is holding up the forensic audit on SWSDA. Remember Sterling's promised audit on the boy school and base land sales? That promise got him votes from many who would never have gone orange and people will remember him for not coming through with the goods if we don't see one.
2:42 The county has a lot of people relying on forestry jobs. This is a good site for both sides to visit: www.law.duke.edu moving toward sound forest management
Corbett won't soon forget the heartburn his outrageous meal claims have caused him. His mea culpa is online in the daily paper - what was he thinking after seeing what went on during Rodney's reign... The old "nice work if you can get it" has bitten the dust - think of the millions DD will save if he puts the clamps on all ministerial, departmental and crony trough feeding!
Every four years we have municipal elections.Why not questionairies.Similarly in Shelburne we get two tax bills.The town has a web site.Need I say more.Ever grow mushrooms.....feel like one?
12:44 We're in the dark for sure after reading your comment. Tell us what you're getting at. Yes the town has a website but the mayor doesn't want us reading the latest minutes for some odd reason.
In reading an earlier blog we're questioning whether the provincial rag is going to follow the case in Jan or will they go with another embargo.All the best and we'll be waiting for that book.
Are there any honest politicians left? The Libs are once again calling for Raitt's head over accusations of unauthorized expenses while she was CEO of Toronto's PA, Concerned Citizens of Shelb. called for an SWSDA audit over questionable land deals and expenses, and Ralston MacDonnell escaped an audit over his Digby Wharf fiasco. We've discovered how impotent and/or unwilling our government auditors are when watchdogs report abuse. Govs love to fork OUR dollar$ over to their cronies, but are extremely frugal in releasing accounts of how they spent them - and they wonder why Joe Blow is apathetic - gawd!
THI making the list of lost employment....Some employees have gone without pay and court cases showing the chilling facts !
Amazing how quietly this all went under. Tim, what would we do to keep these people honest ?
How easily big money was given to someone who was not showing great promise with past dealings !!!!Keep digging and sharing ! WOW!
Bad news for Shelburne Co. local investors - Hawkin's equipment removed. - Shelburne County Today 12 Nov 09
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