Monday, November 30, 2009

SWSDA Mid-Year Review

-------- Your tax dollars at work ---------


It makes for interesting reading dear reader. I invite you to share your views with others about the report.


Anonymous said...

Nothing has changed. Frank not only has a shared vision with YAIC and the Port of Yarmouth, but shared SWSDA coffers with them as well. As usual he came up blank acting on his visions for Shelb. Co. - words are cheap.

RCD Act Clause 6(7) gives ERD the authority to disestablish an agency if there is clear evidence of lack of performance, giving Paris authority to dispose of SWSDA assets...

Here's a chance for ERD enablers to redeem themselves. Disestablish SWSDA, and demand the Yarmouth/Clare region form an RDA prior to 31 Mar 2010. They have nothing to lose, and we have everything to gain with this directive.
Mr. Paris can also inform Mr. Anderson he does not have authority to charge new legal fees related to drafting RDA by-laws to SWSDA accounts.

Question: When was the last SWSDA community consultation?

Anonymous said...

Argh, here we thought we had all the players and their positions in order and Mayor Huskilson goes disses Mayor Leefe's presentation to the local pols, and Warden Halliday is leaning away from Frank "this week" - it may be a female's prerogative to change her mind, but how's a fella supposed to keep up with those that sway with the shifting winds? We need strong leaders who aren't afraid to take a stand, voice their opinions, and let the chips fall where they may.
Thanks to SC Today for the updates - now we have to get back to the drawing board and rethink our game plan AGAIN!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Cayer,

I have been reluctant to reply to this blog. For a number of reasons. None of which are fear I may add. But now ....

I have been known to over simplify things. I think it's good myself. I will let your readers decide.

1) Although I think there are many people under the employ of SWSDA who are very good people, and trying their best (under some hierachial rule)I too think Frank must go. (sorry Frankie.) I also hope to see him behind bars, as well as his cronies for Christmas dinner. Eating Crow.

I'm not just talking loosley, I do beleive there are some shenanigans going on. And I would like to see them brought forward, exposed, and dealt with by the full hand of the law, if that is indeed they way it must go. If I am wrong, well Geese. I stand corrected.

Additionally, being simplistic (simple) here is what I would like to see happen.

1) I would like to see every deal SWSDA has made regarding the Boy's School and the Base recanted at once. READ ... give their money back, less any costs associated with them having possession of such properties. E.G. Maintenance on the Boy's Schoool is non-existant. Certainly there is mold etc from the place being shut up for so long. We take the clean up fee off what we owe them. They still owe us a million.

2) The base: Same thing. Give them back their money, less any costs associated with broken pipes, frozen water lines, the sale of building lots, etc and so on. They get a bill for about 2 million.

Perhaps Frank and his "friends" can pay for this, but I'm sure MacDonnell and Kendrick are broke. You see, there is no cost associated with this, and we don't actually have to pay anyone anything, because they are in a negative debt situation with us from the start.

We simply take the properties back. We market them properly under our own RDA. One with a vision and a purpose besides just unloading things from "my desk" because I have bigger fish to fry.

What do you say folks. Should we run them out? I think so. All of them. Kendrick, MacDonnell, Anderson, whoever is involved. Send them packing to the hills in fear of their very lives and wallets.

Then we start fresh.

Then perhaps we will have a multi million dollar facility being used for something besides a bottle exchange, and a multi, multi million dolar Sound Stage being used for something besides ... well, er... nothing?

I have to admit, I've had sex more than a few times in my life, but I'm not fond of people tryin to shove things in places they naturally don't belong. I will not sit down and take it any longer. (I'm not taking it standing up either)

I'm ready. Let's rock.

Rick Davis

Anonymous said...

As usual the latest SWSDA minutes (21 Oct) are a brief recap which doesn't add to the public's trust of this esteemed Yarmouth Society. Surely the CEO isn't using Shelburne as a scapegoat for his failings is he?

Anonymous said...

GREAT LETTER RICK DAVIS !!!! Enjoyed reading viewpoints from another blogger.

Keep sharing your good thoughts and maybe more will get involved !!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well, I don't know if it was great or not, but it's the way I honestly feel. I should point out that I paint with a very fine brush. I have had nothing but excellent dealings with the local SWSDA reps, and often feel sorry that they are seemingly constantly hog-tied by their master.

On the other hand, I have a couple of video tapes here somewhere from years gone by. Wish I could put my hands on them, but one had a clip of Frank suggesting he was a Yarmouth boy, always would be a Yarmouth boy, and would make no appologies about it. In another tape of the sound stage announcement, he claimed that he knew absolutely nothing about the film industry or sound stages.

So from that we can assume he is actually "capable" of telling the truth, because no truer words were ever said.


Anonymous said...

We hope some people with good management skills in the movie field,senior needs ,other useful facilities for nice properties now in limbo can get their hands on the land and develop required openings of all types to get action in positive manner.CAYER, RICK,TIM and your spouses are all level headed hard working responsible citizens...
Keep encouraging other interested folks !!!

Anonymous said...

Interesting that Mayor Huskilson chose to "dis" Mayor Leefe's presentation. He never even attended the meeting so he comments really aren't worth acknowledging. Mr. Leefe shared some very important information with those in attendance. Excellent food for thought