Friday, August 14, 2009


-------- Your tax dollars at work ---------

Questions That Need Answers .... Before applications are made to the Minister for any new RDA, here are questions that citizens might want answered to their satisfaction by elected Municipal officials.

1. What municipal areas are to be covered by the new RDA?
2. What three year strategy will the included municipality or municipalities use as their basis for applying to the Minister for the creation of a new RDA, who will prepare the strategy and who will approve it?
3. What shall the new RDA be called?
4. How many members on the Board of Directors should be appointed by the councils of the participating municipalities and how should they be selected for appointment?
5. How many members on the Board of Directors should be representatives of the economic sectors and other relevant groups within the area, who should they represent and how should they be selected?
6. What should be the term of office of members of the Board of Directors of the new RDA and what should be the conditions under which members of the Board of Directors cease to be members of the Board.
7. What should determine the proportion in which each of the participating municipalities contribute to and provide the funds required to meet the expenses of the new RDA?
8. When should these payments be made to the new RDA?
9. What officers should the new RDA have, how should the new RDA be organized and how, when and where should meetings of the new RDA be held for transaction of the RDA's business?
10. What should be the fiscal year of the new RDA?
11. How should the assets of the new RDA be disposed should it cease to operate?
12. What role should the new RDA play in the following areas:
a) advising municipal councils with respect to matters affecting economic and social development;
b) promoting interest in the activities of the RDA;
c) encouraging and assisting the participation of the public, private and voluntary sectors;
d) preparing, updating and implementing a strategy and action plan for the development of the communities within the RDA;
e) encouraging interested groups and the public in participating in the strategic planning process and setting priorities for development action;
f) acting as financial, industrial, promotional, marketing, training and planning advisers with respect to the development of the communities within the RDA in accordance with the strategic plan;
g) encouraging the formation of partnership groups to evaluate, plan and organize implementation of specific development actions and projects that fall within the framework of the strategy;
h) facilitating contact with those who may be able to to provide technical, professional and policy resources needed to enable project groups to be effective;
i) facilitating access to those who may be able to provide funding to implement projects and business plans in accordance with the strategy;
j) provide managerial technical, or other support services to other business or operations of any community development group, company, syndicate, labour group, non-profit organization, cooperative, partnership, enterprise or undertaking in respect of achieving the purpose of the Act;
k) providing training to those individuals or groups involved in regional community planning to assist in the implementation of the strategy;
l) collecting, analyzing and disseminating information;
m) cooperating with governments and agencies of governments?
13. What provisions should the bylaws of the new RDA include respecting:
a) the conduct and duties of the officers and employees of the new RDA;
b) the method of calling meetings and conducting business at meetings;
the order and proceedings of meetings;
c) public access to information respecting the activities of the new RDA and meetings of the RDA?

What now.... well dear reader.... that' is the burning question?!?

Who will decide the public's wishes respecting these questions?

Were any of the present council members, mayor, or wardens elected on a platform respecting the creation of RDAs under the Act?

Of course not..... so without input from the public.... where do they get the mandate to transform the present RDA into the one that likely will determine our social and economic development progress in the coming decade?


What do you think? Your views are important......


Anonymous said...

We're waiting to hear the details of the first public meeting - when and where? BTW prepare for l,000+ - see you there!Finally we have a chance to determine our own destiny.
To Alan, Darian, Sherm, Louise and Mr. Stoddard. Please ditch the biases and work together. We're on a fresh page with positive attitudes. Transparency is the word!

Anonymous said...

Who will decide? The local pols unless stand up.
Honestly I am uncertain if Ed's info is sinking in!Someone or some people have to be prepared to go to bat.Get er done............

Anonymous said...

Anyone awake out there?

Anonymous said...

We're hoping that the county's five councils will work together to formulate a three year development plan for this area, after input from the public during this proposed meeting. Our population is too small to have five councils working on duplicate issues, and the combined effort would enhance any hope of success. Considering our experience with SWSDA, we can only move up from here. We're depending on our mayors and wardens to do the right thing.

Anonymous said...

Ed what is your motive.........this time?

Anonymous said...

I read this blog with interest, awe-inspired at times and perhaps with an amount of commiseration for those to struggle every day to eke out an existence under such circumstance.
It reads much like a novel with villains and heros. Like any good read it can be difficult to tell who are the villains and who are the heros. Of course what really makes for interest is deciding what is fact and what is fiction. Believing something is true does not make it a fact. Believing something is untrue does not make it fiction. The blog content is well written and for the most part can be verified or disproved with a minimal amount of effort. The comments are so laced with emotion that it difficult at times to categorize them as fact or fiction. Emotions are running high.

It is certain by the preponderance of the data that some things that ought not to be going on were and are still occurring and that people who should be whistle blowers by virtue of their public office have long looked the other way! These things must stop. They must stop now!

It is applaudable to amass stacks of files documenting these wrongs. The time has come for action on these files. There is and always has been power in numbers but individuals have to be willing to put that toe across the line. If you take a stand and your employer threatens you with dismissal there are agencies to help you. You can only be controlled in this day and age if you wish it. Certainly control of your thought will never and never has been productive. Fight this corrupt system not only for yourself but those who come after you .Right now you have in Ed Cayer someone who has spent countless hours getting you the background information for taking decisive action against this back room ole boy mentality that seems to have gone on for ever.
Do the right thing. Take action. Bring your friends, whoever on board. Power to the people.

Anonymous said...

9:13 I hope your comment will inspire others to rethink their negative reaction to this blogspot - yes I know a few diehards. I especially like the "Power To The People" slogan.
We all realize that miracles aren't going to happen overnight but we'll have a chance to redirect our efforts in hopes of seeing gradual improvements. Ridding ourselves of the negative vibes associated with SWSDA is the only route out of this mess. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

Small town politics is silencing many. Cliques within our community determine other's thoughts. Pay attention all business leaders in the county - if we keep losing our tradespeople and their young families there won't be any consumers left to support you and yours. When you really begin to feel the pinch it will be too late to speak up. Ed has the facts, read and heed.