Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Just Like Christmas Eve!

-------- Your tax dollars at work ---------

Getting Ready for Bed.... but will undoubtedly find it hard to get to sleep in eager anticipation of the SWSDA Board Meeting tomorrow. Feel like when I was a kid waiting for Santa to arrive!

I guess I'm the eternal optimist.... hoping that others will do the right thing and I won't have to escalate this pressure.... Can't be good for Yarmouth, Clare or Shelburne County.... We need positive publicity.... just finding it hard to find things to be positive about!!

Will someone please send a note to the blog as soon as the SWSDA meeting is over and tell those of us in the great unwashed public who are not "non-voting" members, what transpired at the meeting?



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fifteen years of dealing with this mess, and Ed still has his sense of humour - I'm afraid my tactfulness would have disappeared years ago.
I hope reality smacks all voting and non-voting members in the side of the head tomorrow, and the BofD begins to actually carry out their duties.
P.S. - Warden Embree, Tell Frank the carrot on the stick doesn't work anymore, and remind him of his position in the rank and file of SWSDA - he's been demoted.

From - fillusinASAP-thanx!