Wednesday, May 13, 2009

People WE Thought Were Working For Us.....

-------- Your tax dollars at work ---------

Sooooo .... given the fact that we've now been told that we are not alone in paying Mr. Anderson's salary.... question is....

Is there anyone else paying the salaries of any of these folks and if there is.... are their identities secret also?

How do we know if they are solely employed by SWSDA?

Click on the org chart below and when you are done.... compare it to the org chart on SWSDA's web page..... Interesting, n'est pas?


Anonymous said...

This is becoming murkier every day. I can imagine the hits the YAIC website will benefit from today!

I notice this org chart has omitted: K. d'Entremont, YAIC Development Officer; Craig Moulanson; Dave Whiting, Shirley d'Entremont Group Sales Mgr; and Mona Lutz, YAIC Financial Administer.

What a convoluted web you have woven Frank.

I wonder what part Hurlburt is playing in this whole affair; nah, his hands are clean aren't they?

Anonymous said...

The board is the top, the board is supposed to tell the CEO what to do, Problem is the board seems not to do anything, except keep secrets. The Supreme Court judge said SWSDA is a publically funded organization, and as such the tax payers have the right to know, and the elected officials have a duty to tell the tax payers how they are spending tax payer money, That is Democracy. Canada is supposed to be a Democracy. Speak up all you board members, what is it that SWSDA does in meetings that has to be secret. Even the Nova Scotia legislature is on TV. Shelburne town council is on TV. We want to know. We have the right to know. Post a comment one of you SWSDA board members. Do it now.

Anonymous said...

I just read the latest posting on Shelburne County Today, and I can imagine the phone lines are buzzing tonight between the SWSDA directors!

Good on ya Timothy and Ed! Now the bees are swarming - ooops, they just stung someone!

Anonymous said...

Cynic I am, I wonder how "our" board members may have been duped during SWSDA meetings. Knowing how the CEO operates, what is to say that Frank's supporters didn't know ahead of time that these meetings were just a formality to have his goals approved? Surely our Shelb. Co. mayors and wardens are questioning this.

It appears that trust of the CEO has been lost by many, and the end of SWSDA as we know it is just around the corner.

It is interesting to note that the Manager of the Port of Yarmouth is ex-RCMP, and Frank is an ex-banker. Who would have thunk it.