Friday, May 15, 2009

Proper Administration of SWSDA

-------- Your tax dollars at work ---------

SWSDA Accountability Focus ..... Celebrating 7,256 hits in last week alone!

This blog's initial focus has been in part on Mr. Anderson's travel expense claims. What you've seen so far is but the tip of the iceberg. That focus has been driven in part because it is but a reflection of what is wrong with SWSDA. In large measure I believe the blame for this state of affairs is clearly attributable in the first instance to each member of SWSDA's Board of Directors over the years and its CEO. Others who I believe share some of the burden for this state of affairs include:

a.) Department of Economic Development and the Registrar of Joint Stocks( I can name names and will in future posts supported by evidence.)

b.) ACOA

c.) Elected Municipal Officials in Shelburne County and their staff

d.) the Department of Municipal Affairs (Check today's blog about how they have made taxpayers more vulnerable to SWSDA's profligate spending habits.)

e.) SWSDA staff who have witnessed this abuse and who so far have done nothing about it.

This is not Rocket Science

Basic accounting principles are set up to provide natural checks and balances. Anyone who has been around for any length of time knows that. And yet, what Mr. Anderson's expense claims show is that there are no checks and balances on the expense accounts of his that we have seen so far. ( We know there are others of Mr. Anderson's Travel Expenses that have just not been provided following the Court Order despite Justice Hood's order to do so.)

A review of liability law makes every Board member liable for not ensuring that these expenses were properly managed and administered. Particular liablity of course falls on the shoulders of "those who should know better" like people with experience and professionals like accountants and lawyers who sit on the Board.

Knowing what I know about SWSDA and its operations, it has always fascinated me to hear that SWSDA is ISO certified. Clearly in SWSDA's case it provides evidence of the weakness and lack of credibility one should attach to ISO certification.

WE NEED to DEMAND .... improved administrative systems at SWSDA for everyone.

Here's a bit more evidence of why!

July 20, 2005 was a every long day......

Voucher from Triangle Ale House at 20:14 PM for $112.87 plus handwritten tip of $25.00 for a total of $137.87

Voucher From Casino Nova Scotia Hotel at 22:34 PM table 861/1 for $200.27 plus a handwritten tip of $ 40.00 for a total of $240.27

Total Vouchers in a couple hours ..... $366.97 including tips of some $65.00!


Of course Mr. Anderson also charged SWSDA for his three meal allowance for that day!


JUST ASKING.... As would any concerned and responsible manager ..... who is managing SWSDA?

Addendum..... maybe this explains it........ Rudder's Seafood in Yarmouth December 15, 2005 voucher for $168.55 plus a tip for $20.00 with the notation "Richard + 20 people".... can anyone tell me who Richard is and why we are paying for this.... is he managing SWSDA?


Anonymous said...

Crikey Richard, the least you could have done is pay the tab for a round of drinks at the staff's Xmas party. In my silly servant days we had to pass the hat.

Anonymous said...

Hurlburt's portfolio includes the Registry of Joint Stocks these days. WHOA!

Anonymous said...

No checks and balances + politics in play = BIG trouble$ for Shelb. Co.

Anonymous said...

I heard that Frank Anderson said he would resign if the MacDonald government falls - duh?
I wouldn't want to be in his or Hurlburt's shoes. This is going to be sooo interesting.

Anonymous said...

Are Anderson and Hurlburt a comedy team or just plain rejects from humanity?

Anonymous said...

In regards to ACOA being part of the problem, see ACOA news release dated 18 Apr 06, "Domtex Investment Moves...", which names Frank Anderson, General Manager, and his tele. #.

The above expenses are typical of trough feeders, and the peons paying his way wouldn't be shocked to hear his, "Let them eat cake", as he raised his glass to toast his mentor.

Anonymous said...

I read the old ACOA release on Domtex, and noted that's General Manager of the "Yarmouth Area Industrial Commission".

Anonymous said...

Aren't the good people of yarmouth a tad bit concerned harboring Teflon Frank and Fast Richie
AKA the Wannabe.Where does Banjo Eyes D'Entremont fit into this sewer.Will the rats eventually eat themselve up? WE need a few Good Men to clean this up.