Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Lessons in Public Service...

-------- Your tax dollars at work ---------
When I heard it.... it bothered me......!!
Monday evening at the ..... the Municipality of Barrington Council Meeting I watched with interest as private citizens who had been kept in the dark about a mink ranch development initiative, questioned the Warden and Council members and sought to stop the project.
Then I heard Councillor El-Jakl and Warden Halliday .... each state that they personally had done the best they could for the municipality, ensuring that everything that was done, " ...was done legally...". Something about those statements bothered me and over the last few days the thought has been buzzing around in my head .... what's wrong with doing things legally?
Of course.... that's not the problem.... the problem is that elected officials and public servants aren't just called upon to do things legally..... they are required by the positions they have been entrusted with to... " the right thing...".
That dear reader is more.... indeed much more... than doing things legally.
Rather, my fellow citizens .... in addition to meeting legal requirements, we expect elected officials and hired staff in our governments to use common sense, their training, skills, connections and experience to guide their interventions on behalf of the public.... and we expect them to seek expert advice and public input without hesitation when appropriate if the public's interests might be at risk or if the public has private and/or collective interests that might be impacted by decisions made by government.
On the other hand.... it is hard to see how the public can be expected to participate and provide meaningful, constructive input into government deliberations if those charged with the responsibility of providing government services, insist on keeping public information and deliberations secreted to the back-rooms by using trumped-up pretexts to justify in camera sessions and confidentiality.
Oh... and to make sure I am not misunderstood.... my view is that this tendency to secrecy is not a new phenomenon and did not start with the present pool of elected officials and civil servants... the problem has existed for some time and unfortunately it is now being visited on people who have simply continued to do things they way they were always done.
Solution.....!! Stop doing things the way they were always done .... and devise ways to conduct public affairs in a manner that ensures that the public is informed and engaged so that they can contribute to the healthy conduct of public affairs.
My two cents!


Anonymous said...

This blog should be mandatory reading for all wardens, mayors and councillors. We do not elect them to carry out their fiduciary duties behind closed doors. The past misdeeds of councils have been done in this manner and it always comes back to bite them. Learn from past mistakes and when in doubt consult with the electorate through open meetings. It never pays to leave them in the dark!

Anonymous said...

Why are we surprised that MOB got involved in such a convoluted scheme? We thought the Warden and her council had their act together but something is going on that we can't figure out. What promises were made for them to get conned into another SWSDA land scam?

Anonymous said...

We know what Warden Halliday and her council experienced. The same thing happened with the old MoS council and their involvement with SWSDA in their land deals. The CEO demanded secrecy in their dealings with SWSDA and it was a cloak and dagger affair.There's possibly some paperwork missing in those MoS files. We thought we had the only stupid ones in the county but it shows a fool and her money are soon parted.

Anonymous said...

Interesting dichotomy - doing things legally vs. doing the right thing.
Remember the "purported" debt that MDS supposedly had hanging over their heads according to their former legal counsel? Seems that advice was wrong.
Maybe Warden Halliday placed too much faith in her legal advice.
Ed's mother gave him good advice in telling him to admit making a mistake as soon as possible. Things always work out for the best where honesty is involved.

Anonymous said...

3:07 Hey, I resent the "her". Shouldn't it be, "...and OUR money..."?
It looks like nobody escapes destruction when they sell land to SWSDA (that's Agency not Department of Art). Cheers!

Anonymous said...

Good day to everyone who takes an interest in making our town/county a more prosperous place with dedication by sharing ideas,actively involved using good common sense and being a proud citizen ready to listen to the ones now with most power.Get busy with your letters to get their attention in case they still do not get gist of all the problems that can be avoided or fixed hopefully.Keep up the great way of communication with your blogs ! HAVE A PRODUCTIVE DAY !

Unknown said...

Re: Anon 9:02 am and letters... Letters to politicians and public officials really DO work. THAT is how we engaged the Ombudsman to conduct a SERIOUS investigation of SWSDA (not the art one).

These people DO read their mail. I say, if you are disturbed or concerned, write to your:

It works.
