Wednesday, August 26, 2009

So ......Ask Frank!

-------- Your tax dollars at work ---------

And that is just what they did......

Three ladies from Shelburne were in Yarmouth today and were talking about my earlier question about SWSDA's Annual General Meeting (AGM) and SWSDA's Audited Financial Statements to the end of March 2009.

Sooo.... being the concerned citizens that they are...... they stopped in at SWSDA and asked Mr. Anderson himself!!!!

And, now we have it directly from the horse's mouth.... AGM and financial statements are scheduled for mid- September.... sometime.......!!!

Thanks ladies... couldn't have done it without you!

If you have unanswered questions or if you would like documents from SWSDA .... call or write Frank and ask him......I hear he is obliging (;-).....

Here's his contact information:

P.O. Box 131, 233 Water Street, Yarmouth NS B5A 1M1 Tel: 902-742-3210 Fax: 902-742-3107 Email: or

Let us know if you get a response........



Anonymous said...

Thanks to the savvy ladies who spoke to Frank yesterday. We wondered when the AGM was but now wonder if Frank will be around for it...

Anonymous said...

How come no one wants to discuss the 10 million $ given by the feds when the base closed?