Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Summer is Just Starting to be Interesting!

-------- Your tax dollars at work ---------

Dear Reader:

I am back home tomorrow after a dozen glorious days in St. Andrews, New Brunswick with kids, grandkids and inlaws.... something refreshing about spending time with folks between the ages of 2 and 90!!! Great way to review and challenge perspectives.... recuperate from open heart surgery and more than four weeks in hospital....

I'll be glad to be back.... so much to do and write about......So lets get this blog back on track.......

This week's submission will begin ....... with a review of what constitutes Evaluation in today's "Best Management Practices" and the so-called "evaluation" conducted by Economic development of SWSDA.... In doing so we will talk about the standard now accepted by local, regional, national and international bodies....... "Results-Based Management AND Monitoring"....... AND ...... ask the question.... can we rely on the findings flowing from the evaluation process used by Economic Development and if not what changes should we seek in the system.....

SWSDA Mis-direction Uncovered Again

I will also share with you on this blog..... a very informative letter I received from the Municipality of Shelburne about the purported millions of dollars Mr. Anderson has repeatedly claimed was owed to SWSDA by the taxpayers of the municipality.... amazing how far one can get on bluff, bravado and BS.... Thank you Mr. Cox for helping rebut the urban legend perpetuated by former Wardens and Councillors and Acting CAOs about our collective indebtedness to SWSDA!
In my other blog I intend to end the week with a discussion of the potential structure of organized development in Shelburne County and some of the options available to ensure public participation and accountability in the process.......
We'll take a brief look at the options for creating a functional RDA, the role that a group like Team Shelburne might play, how a properly mandated Shelburne County Industrial Commission might help and become an integral part of the development team .....and what to do with inefficient and ineffective regional provincial government agencies dealing with education, community services, economic development, health and more...... I can hardly wait! We might even ask some questions about the management of marine resources and fisheries...... and energy! Keep an eye on my other blog too..... But before we do......


From Wikipedia....

"Do not feed the trolls" and its abbreviation DNFTT redirect here. For the Wikipedia essay, see "What is a troll?".In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional or disciplinary response[1] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[2]

Tune in on Friday......


Anonymous said...

Great to hear you are enjoying your summer Ed, you had us worried...again!
We think you should send your bill to Embree and Cox for disseminating this info on the purported debt to SWSDA for them.
You'd think Embree would be delighted to inform his ratepayers of the good news.He just doesn't get that transparency thing! We're waiting to see whose signature(s) are on the results of the Performance Evaluation - sounds interesting.

Anonymous said...

The performance result sounds like it might be another case of ERD guarding the chicken coop. Third party monitoring - here we come!

Anonymous said...

Great to hear all is well in Cayer family !
More families should take time to appreciate interesting gatherings(reunions)of all ages.

Keeping the home/family ...happy and safe helps make a more secure society !

Politics is still a big puzzle to get the right parts together! ...Good luck finding honest politicians !!!

Anonymous said...

This blog may well be the tool to extract information from local government.There is probably a"Deep Throat" out there just waiting
to tell all but cannot for sundry reasons.What we need also is Bernstein and Wordworth.Until all the myths are dispelled the truth will be hidden.

Anonymous said...

10:41 - Considering how The Coast Guard's editiors have failed us over the years, we can be thankful that Shelburne County Today's webmaster covered the hot topics as long as he did. What a thankless task that must have been with so many in the county wearing tin hats.

Anonymous said...

Something that would be interesting. Referring to the Boys School Fund Balance sheet as Reported by SWSDA, the line Marketing Projects/consultants. Just exactly how was that money spent? If a marketing company was hired, just exactly what did that marketing company do ? Can you write and ask them what they did?

Anonymous said...

This covers part of the expense, "MacDonnell's firms received an untendered contract for $40,000. for marketing and organizational study for Team Shelburne."
- thanks to Shelburne County Today archives, Timothy Gillespie, 8 Jun 07

7:16 "What exactly did the marketing company do?" My response is self-censored, but there are many who would agree with me. We can't turn the clock back, but if we continue on the same road we have a major problem in this area.

Anonymous said...

Those funds weren't used in a pay to play scheme were they? From what we've read Huskilson, Comeau and Gillespie warned everyone years ago. Anybody listening now?

Anonymous said...

Welcome home to the Cayer family!Your site has been food for thought and conversation.You have become the eyes and ears for the people of the town-our mayor has lost his voice.

Anonymous said...

The Boys School fund balance sheet /// Marketing project/consultants expense is front and center of how was the boys school sold. And where is the money owed to Team Schelburne.

I thought that is what the law suit is about. Why was the boys school sold for way way less than it was worth ?

Anonymous said...

We are tuned in Ed....
It is FRIDAY....Are we too early or has another promise gone by the wayside ????????

Ready ,we are ,for more information to ponder with clear minds.

Hope positive feedbacks will add to your interesting site.