Friday, November 27, 2009

Contribution from Anonymous

-------- Your tax dollars at work ---------

The Blame Game....

Moments ago one of my readers wrote a lengthy comment much of which had nothing to do with the issue of SWSDA Accountability..... which is what this blog is about.

However, I wanted to share with my readers Anon 3.53's thoughts of relevance to this blog.

Anon,  your suggestion that I not rant "... as it will not serve you well." is interesting and I thank you for it.... It helps to put the rest of your comments in context. Anon 3:53 went on to suggest that Mr. Hardy might be excused from doing his job properly and obeying the law because "... he answers to the Mayor..." adding that blame should be put in its proper place and that I should "... not brow beat the innocent."

First let me deal with the substantive portion of Anon 3:53's comments that are relevant to this blog about SWSDA Accountability. First, I wrote about Mr. Hardy because it is exactly his kind of behaviour yesterday that in my view has permitted SWSDA to become a rogue organization over the past fourteen years.

As far as I know, Mr. Hardy is his own man, employed in a senior position of trust by the taxpayers and citizens of this community and paid reasonably well to do the job. He is hardly the "innocent" suggested by Anon 3.53... It is his decision alone to do or not do his job as the law requires him. No Employer can oblige you to do things that are wrong, or ignore or subvert the spirit and/or the intent of the law. No Employer.... and certainly no Mayor. What Mr. Hardy did yesterday was wrong. Plain and simple.... in my view.... and if his employer wants him to do things like that, Mr Hardy has a responsibility to advise his superior that the action he has been directed to take is wrong and he won't do it. May not be easy... but that would be the right decision and action to take.

As for Mayor Delaney, I don't even know if he is aware that this is being done in the name of the Town or how many hours a day he is actually spending in the office or working on Town affairs given his state of health. No dear Anon 3:53.... can't buy your argment ... but thank you for providing another perspective!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr. Hardy owes Mr. Cayer a refund on those photocopy fees - the cheque is in the mail?