Thursday, May 21, 2009


-------- Your tax dollars at work ---------

Memories of Saudi Censorship.....

In the early eighties I did some work in Saudi Arabia. At noon each day, offices closed and reopened after 6:00PM. One day I discovered a copy of Time magazine in the hotel shop and eagerly bought it figuring I'd have a good read to while away the long afternoon. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that all but the shortest articles had been censored with heavy black ink and/or had pages and sections of pages cut out, making it impossible to read an entire article.

Mr. Anderson's travel expense claim for his junket to Austria reminds me of Saudi censorship..... On Mr. Anderson's 8 1/2 x 11 summary expense sheet, 30 items have been blacked out!That said, blacking out key bits of information raises more questions than answers about the remaining bits of information.

For example:

1. What does the notation Pam's Room 310.00 mean? Was this Euros or dollars? Why is Pam's Room included in Mr. Anderson's travel claim? Was this for Pam's actual room charge or was it for charges to Pam's room for other things? Who is Pam?

2. Mr. Anderson also blacked out information next to charges listed under lodging for each night on his travel expense claim sheet. What was blacked out that was so secret about lodging charges? Again were these charges in Euros or Dollars?

3. During the 11 days of travel to, from and in Austria in mid-July 2005 Mr. Anderson claimed his daily meal allowance charges but also claimed the following under the column "Other" on his expense claim. These I believe were all in Euros based on some of the attached receipts.... at around €1 = $1.50. Who was entertained and was the entertainment for restaurant and/or booze charges? More importantly, four years later has any of this entertainment produced new development in our communities?

July 16 Meals/Ent €282.20, plus €64.60

July 17 Meals/Ent €754.00 (Did Mr. Anderson tip €100 for this service as appears to be the case on the receipt with a handwritten amount for the tip?)

July 18 Ent €109.40

July 19 Ent €140.80, plus €192.00 (did Mr. Anderson tip €30 for this service as appears to be the case on the receipt with a handwritten amount for the tip?)

July 20 Ent €137.50

July 21 Ent €17.30

July 22 Ent €15.00,

July 23 Ent €91.00

4. Mr. Anderson's travel expense sheet also has the handwritten notations +$500.00 to SWSDA and +$478.48 to NSBI. Question.... Was this a mission undertaken by Mr. Anderson for NSBI and/or others? If it ways, have they shared in the costs?

5.Most of the other receipts provided by Mr. Anderson are too blurry to determine what was purchased..... Except for one receipt typed up on SWSDA letterhead for "KNIGHT'S DINNER AT THE GUSSING CASTLE" Dinner in an Austrian Castle in mid-July .... must be nice.

Perspective..... I've done a lot of traveling over the past forty years and I've been on numerous missions with delegations.... often with the assistance and support of the local Canadian Embassy. Did the Austrians do any entertaining?


1. Who organized and paid for this visit?

2. What was the purpose and what involvement did SWSDA member municipalities have in this trip?

3. Why Austria and where does it fit in the strategic plans of our communities...? I was unable to find it as a priority of any communities in Yarmouth or Shelburne Counties in 2005.

4. Who were the members of the delegation?

5. Was a trip report ever published and are copies of it available?

6. Has an evaluation of this mission ever been undertaken and if it ahs, has anyone ever seen it?

CONCLUSION: Mr. Anderson summary expense claim sheet tallies up to 4,950.60, (if this is Euros then its $7,425.90) not counting the $206.96 in mileage charges to get to the airport, nor Mr Anderson's airfare fo $1,200 to $2,000......

Plus of course.... we now know we pay PART of Mr. Anderson's salary so that part of his salary that SWSDA pays.... plus overheads should be added to SWSDA's cost for Mr. Anderson to participate in this junket..... NOW .... we also know from an earlier post that Jason was there, appears .... so was Pam, and while each of them likely did not spend as much as Mr. Anderson on entertainment, depending on how many were on this swan ...... salaries, airfares, mileage, parking, meals, hotels and miscellaneous probably cost taxpayers a pretty penny...... Remember.... this is summer holiday travel time.....


Speaking of junkets..... Next ... the long-promised blog about Vegas trip with the missus!


Anonymous said...

Blacked out sections?? My guess, Frank was spreading schmiergelder all over the place. We have nothing to show for it but I am willing to bet Frank does.

Anonymous said...

Interesting article today, and even more interesting delving into Frank's junket.
Here's my take on your questions for the readers Ed:
l. The organizer was Pam Thibault, Dev. Officer, SWSDA - under Frank's tutelage.
2. The purpose was to visit Martin Prauhart, a summer resident of Yar.Co., in his hometown of Gussing, Austria. This was to check out Gussing's success in the energy self-sufficiency field.
3. Prauhart approached Warden Jean Melanson, Mun. of Clare, and he in turn went to Frank to propose the mission to Austria.
4. Nineteen (19) businesses participated in the junket including: Spectacle Lake group of companies, ADI Horner Eng., NSBI, Mun. of Clare, reps from Dep of Energy (Hollett), and Univ. of Ste. Anne.
5. As for info, the only thing I can find is an article - Nova Scotia: Open to the World, by Joe Fitzgerald, 01 Oct 07.
6. Guess we can only assume this was more of SWSDA's largesse tossed into the wind. Austria's energy costs are up to 3 times ours, so it is assumed that this is not cost effective for Clare to pursue.

Cost to SWSDA - Frank's $8,000 and we don't know who other than Pam and Jason Hollett were on the SWSDA tab... At this rate, what's another $350. for a piece of Swarovski crystal from the duty free shop in Vienna?

Gotta go, search for more info on today's topic, in prep for the coffee club! Later...

Anonymous said...

Lockeport native, Jason Hollott was employed by SWSDA as their Energy Officer in Aug 04 and left to take a job with N.S. Dept of Energy Oct 06. - Energy on His Mind/NovaNewsNow/Carla Allen/14 Jan 07.

Jason's SouthWest Shore Ener2Y Office Newsletter, 11 Aug 06 - The Clare Energy Concept steering committee - made possible through the support of N.S. Dept of Energy, Fed. of Can. Mun., ACOA, and is managed with support of SWSDA and South West Shore Energy Office.

Jason was a guest during a Clare council mtg. (Dec 05?) on taking steps to access funding for renewable energy plans.

Anonymous said...

Our gang is predicting that Frank is going to resign the 27th, considering Rodney is on his way out, and Hurlburt won't have the drag to protect SWSDA anymore. It makes sense that he is putting his affairs in order - LOL. Who in their right mind would want to take the reins from Frank, unless a forensic audit was done before assuming the role of CEO? Hmmm - another 5 days to go...

Fr: thegangoffive

Anonymous said...

As a former and future resident of the area served by SWSDA I find this blog and SCT very interesting. Imissed Sea parsely when it went off the market. Just one suggestion could Mr. Cayer be a little more of his facinating biographical detail. Ecomimists usually aren't as interesting as he seems to be. Ann R