Saturday, May 23, 2009

A Dissenting Voice Should be Heard

-------- Your tax dollars at work ---------

One of the comments posted in the comments under Coronet 2 the Vegas Trip supports SWSDA, their secrecy and chastises this blog. I am bringing your attention to it because it is well worth reading.

I have posted the comment because the author felt strongly enough to put forth the arguments he or she thought relevant. I leave it to you dear readers to judge the comments freely. If you disagree with the person making the comments and wish to comment I would only ask that responding comments be civil.... if they are, I will post them.... if they aren't ... I will not.

In an open dialogue I believe these divergent comments are valuable.... because it begins to explain how the SWSDA phenomenon has been permitted to continue by those who appear to have the view that the public is stupid and those in power are gifted. If nothing else, it is important to understand what the reasons might be to support what appears to be a rogue organization.... even if they might not make sense to everyone.

However, I should point out that the author of the comments supporting SWSDA would have been much more credible if he or she had not tried to attach and make the same identical comments on four different postings of this blog. Also, I would have tended to give more credence to the comments had the author had the strength of his/her convictions and identified himself or herself. Unfortunately that person did not, preferring to operate behind the cloak of anonymity.

I know that many have commented and not identified themselves for fear of retribution from the power establishment associated with SWSDA and I appreciate your courage in posting comments nonetheless.

However, if you support the manner in which SWSDA operates, I wonder who you fear.... could it be the great unwashed public who you claim are not sufficiently endowed to comprehend the justification of the use of public funds for apparently frivolous and personal applications? Maybe they are just envious of the Austrian Crystal.

Or is it that crew named John Q and Sally M Public who don't understand how and why all that money for the maintenance of the Boys School got spent without the approval of Team Shelburne over the nine months after the School was sold to Ralston MacDonnell? Or maybe its that other bunch who are always asking questions about all that interest from the maintenance funds and proceeds of the sale of the Boys School that appear to have vanished in thin air....

Yeah..... they just don't understand high finance I guess.... or that list of SWSDA accomplishments you referred folks to.....


Anonymous said...

Here's one for folks to chew on... look up Order in Council 2006-98 on the province's website. Look what the industrial commission paid for the old NSLC building where Harbour South is now. It was probably worth 10 times that much. How much rent do you think they are collecting on that now?

Another gift from the taxpayer to SWSDA and the YAIC, courtesy of Richie Hurlburt.

Anonymous said...

After $800,000 was reported to be spent on the interior of the old NSLC building, Mr. Anderson went before Yarmouth Town Council and requested a further $120,000 to renovate one 800 sq. ft. room, which was granted.

I would be interested in seeing the books.

Anonymous said...

Is there not an annual audit of the ledgers?