Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Blurry Triangle Ale House Receipts in March 2005

-------- Your tax dollars at work ---------

Can't make out all the information but here are a few travel expense claims for SWSDA's CEO Mr. Anderson from what appears to be late March 2005. Below we provide the details we can.

1. Triangle Ale House March 30, 2007 at 23:37 PM... $31.34 plus tip of $9.00 (29%).... Total $39.34
2. Triangle Ale House at 22:15 PM .... $142.28 plus tip of $25.00 .... Total $167.28
3. Triangle Ale House.... $40.00 plus tip of $15.00 (37.5%) .... Total $55.00

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To put it politely, Frank blew $32. X 8 hrs = $256.00 to entertain his cronies. It would be a good day for a Shelburne Co. employee to receive those wages! Tell the board of directors, if they don't fire this man, they all need their heads examined.