Sunday, May 17, 2009

Tell me it isn't so........

--- Found in the Boys School Expenses ---

NOW I'M GETTING CONCERNED...... you wouldn't believe what I just discovered..... more travel expenses from the period April 1, 2005 to March 31, 2006....... buried in Exhibit B of Mr. Anderson's sworn Affidavit showing SWSDA's "Maintenance" costs for the Boys School.

I thought My Lady Justice Hood had instructed Mr. Anderson to provide .... as I'd requested ... ALL of Mr. Anderson's travel expense claims that for that year... and yet.... can it be..... these were not included......Yep! Poor Mr. Anderson, he must have been confused and forgot these because they were paid for by what he calls "Project" costs and not core funding where we normally provide for travel expenses for Mr. Anderson...... on the other hand..... Justice Hood's Supreme Court decision seemed clear to me.

Anyway.... here's what I found that I think should have been provided along with the 147 pages of Mr. Anderson's travel expenses.

05/09/2005 - April/May Travel, Frank R. Anderson $729.54
08/30/2005 - 2005 AGM Nova Scotia Association $125.00
09/18/2005 - Dundee Resort $306.57
05/09/2005 Apr/May Travel Frank R. Anderson $687.50
12/01/2005 - Rodd Grand Hotel $53.75
12/23/2005 - Sea Dog Saloon $51.87
02/01/2006 - Shelburne Cafe $32.62
09/12/2006 - RDA Conference Liscombe Lodge $188.93
09/12/2006 - AGM Conference, Nova Scotia Association $150.00

Total of what appears to be additional Frank Anderson travel expenses charged to the Boys School Maintenance Fund ............$2,325.78



Anonymous said...

Did Frank charge his membership to the Mining Association of N.S. to Travel Expenses for the School for Boys?

If so, why did he charge future expenses such as the annual meeting of the N.S. Mining Assoc. he attended at the Dundee to this account? How could he justify this?

Geez, maybe McDonnell and Frank know there's gold in them thar hills!

Anonymous said...

The CEO is living a champagne life on our beer money. Ironic that the closure of one of our biggest employers proved to be a bonus for him.

There are questionable expenses here - travel $1,417. (total of 2 entries for Apr/May 05); and what part do these conferences play in the preparation for sale of the School For Boys?

It is a sad state of affairs for this to have gone on for so long.

Anonymous said...

Forgive me if this is the wrong place to post a comment.

Nova Scotia law says that the only person who can legally sell real estate, or a property that you do not own, is a bank, a lawyer, or a licensed real estate sales person/broker.

If SWSDA did not own the boys school and they were the agent for who owned the boys school, they were breaking the law.

May I reserve a seat at the court whne the time comes. Contempt is punishable with jail time.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Cayer, When your successful decade long fight with this RDA is over, you have reams of material for a best-seller. Business majors could learn the "what not to dos in business" from this CEO's mismanagement. Good luck and thanks for the info. -sonofshelburne

Anonymous said...

SWSDA and Frank Anderson have been in charge of Yarmouth's waterfront and the Domtex industrial site for years. I understand that millions of dollars have flowed through these projects, imagine what a true accounting of this will show.

This all seems to correlate with the MO of a person addicted to drugs or gambling???

Anonymous said...

...and Frank Anderson's House of Cards began to fall one by one by one by one...

Anonymous said...

I don't give a rat's behind about Anderson, other than his quick removal from this agency. At this stage of 'his' game we know him for the parasite he is.

This is going to take one or two brave directors who have the guts to take a stand. They are going to have to pursue charges through the RCMP. We will be waiting to see if any of them have a backbone, or are as spineless as everyone has been in the past 15 years.

We've lost those years forever - we can't afford to let this go on!