Sunday, May 17, 2009


-------- Your tax dollars at work ---------

Politicians often attribute their lack of effort at public consultation to a lack of interest by people.... People just don't care ... they say..... look at meetings of Council and Council Committee meetings that are open to the public.... hardly anyone ever comes... they say......

THE SOLUTIONS..... may lie in what they do in other constituencies.

1- Never, ever, hold secret meetings when you shouldn't or when you don't have to.

2. Let the public know as soon as possible and in as much detail as possible, what transpired in secret as soon as a decision is made on the subject discussed.

3. Invite the public before the meeting:

a) to add things to the agenda for discussion,
b) ask questions that might be entertained during the meeting on issues that are on the agenda.

4. During the meeting invite the public to:
a) make comments about issues that were raised,
b) seek clarification about issues discussed or resolved.

5. After the meeting provide the public with an opportunity to make comments about the meeting.

Anyway, I know PG often referred to the lack of public attendance at meetings about bylaws as a demonstration of a lack of public interest. I believe he was wrong.......

Here's my take on it.
I've sat through Council and Committee meetings and watched mind and bum-numbing proceedings and debate about issues Council did not appear to know much about, when members of the audience could have easily enlightened the debate.

I've watched Reg Ridgley (the former Acting CAO in MOS) provide a report to Council about the appointment of municipal representatives to the SWSDA Board that was pure Frank Anderson party line and had precious little to do with what actually happened or what the SWSDA Bylaws actually said. If it was research that he based his report on, it was research that was poorly done ...otherwise it was simply propaganda to help SWSDA defend its losing position before the courts about public access to SWSDA's documents.... a battle I am glad I had a role in waging and winning. It gives one confidence in the system again.

Prohibited from speaking, I watched as Council accepted Ridgely's report as gospel. It still amazes me that I continue to go to Council meetings, notwithstanding the anger I feel towards the restrictions this arbitrary system imposes on civil participation and enlightened dialogue. Little wonder folks often don't care to attend Council meetings where Councillors have decided before the meeting what the decision will be without reference to the public or open debate and administrators limit public access to documents in the name of penny-pinching on photocopy costs..... this is false economics..... For God's sake ... save the forests and put all this stuff on your web page ..... before the meeting..... ahead of time.... this is the 21st Century last time I checked!

The hundreds of folks who attended budget meetings of MOS a few years ago showed that anger... indeed rage at a broken system that permits misinformation and factually wrong statements to be made unchallenged..... a system that politicians and staff seem to hide behind and refuse to improve to increase citizen information and/or participation.

Does anyone else remember Paulette Scott advising us that it was 9:00 PM and we had asked enough questions! (Wonder where Paulette is these days... I hear she no longer works for Jimmie and Mary at the Base. Can't imagine how they are coping without their reportedly non-conflicted and supposedly talented Financial Officer.) Just remembered something else that Ms. Scott shared with Frank Anderson.... didn't she also used to work in a Bank?!?

Given my stated desire to see more public awareness and participation you will appreciate my elation at what this blog has shown!

In the first 9 nine days since the launch of this blog on SWSDA Accountability, we have more than 9,250 visitors. More importantly, 167 of our readers have taken the time to write comments about the blog, the issues, the solutions and the alternatives to share with their fellow readers or to ask questions...... And, We've only begun!

Keep up the good work and let politicians and civil servants know that you want to be informed and consulted.... you have views that you want heard... and you have insights that you want to share with each other and them.



a) ask them at the upcoming SWSDA Board Meeting this week,
b) report the answers back to you and the public after the meeting.

Good Luck!


Anonymous said...

Council meetings should have space for the public citizens to sit and listen. The meetings should also have time to allow public citizens to stand up and comment on issues. Standing up and commenting does not mean that the citizens be allowed a vote at a meeting, not like a vote a council member might make. But there should be time for citizens to make comment. Council has the authority to make this change if they have a mind to do so. It is what Democracy is all about.

I also think council should make press releases in the local newspaper. Not just web site releases, as some people do not have internet.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to bother you with questions Ed, but -

l. Is this a regularly slated mtg. or was it called by the members?
2. Is it being held in their Y'mouth boardroom?
3. Are reporters still banned from attending these meetings?
4. Isn't this a good opportunity for a reporter from both "The Coast Guard" and "The Vanguard" to be "on their toes" after the meeting to question the voting members of this public body?
5. Wouldn't this be an opportune time for these same board members to hold a press conference to dispel rumours and set the facts straight?
6. When was the last meeting held in Shelburne or Barrington?
7.I have gone to various sites to check on other RDAs in the province, and haven't seen anything as reckless or "in your face" as this RDA operates, have you?

My only explanation is corruption from the top down, and it is a terrible thought for such a beautiful area. It certainly won't entice any new business to set up shop in Shelburne Co.

All it takes is one bad apple, and the rest rot along with it over a short period of time. All the best to the fine citizens of the South Shore; you deserve better than this.

Anonymous said...

I am in total agreement with your first poster, in that the various councils and boards should be more forthcoming with their business of the day, week or month. They have all been elected or appointed to serve the public. If they aren't up to the job of serving the public, they should step down immediately. This MO of secrecy should cease immediately.

The local weekly has failed at reporting on council and RDA meetings. If not for the Shelburne County Today website I wouldn't have read a fraction of what has been covered there. To be able to go into its archives and see where things began to go wrong is very helpful.

Your number of hits shows us that the people of the area are interested Ed. Too bad so many are content to sit back and hope others will do the work for them. It's going to take a concerted effort to put these representatives on the straight and narrow path again, and it will be well worth our efforts to make it happen ASAP.

Thanks Ed!

Rod Hemeon said...

I just sent this letter to Mayor Mooney of Yarmouth. You all may wish to ask your representatives the same question.

Mr. J. Gushue
Town Clerk, CAO
Town of Yarmouth
Nova Scotia.

Dear Mr. Gushue
Please place on your agenda and distribute this letter to Council prior to your May 2009 Council meeting. Thank You.

May 17th 2009

Mayor Mooney,
As to the voting on the motion below, SWSDA Board meeting March 18th 2009, could you please tell us the breakdown of the final vote? Did you, representing the Town of Yarmouth, vote in favor of this motion or against?

Rod Hemeon
44 Forest Street
Yarmouth Nova Scotia

I hope Council is committed to making informed decisions
going forward, and is accessing all the facts surrounding
the dealings of the SWSDA.

Taken from SWSDA Board minutes March 18th 2009.

It was moved by Charles LeBlanc, seconded by Norman Pottier that board meetings of the South West Shore Develoment Authority be held as in the past, i.e. not open to the public. Motion Carried.

Voting Members
Present: Rod Rose, Doris Swaine, Louise Halliday, Bob Redding, Cecil Brannen, Phil Leblanc, Phil Mooney, Charles Leblanc, Trevor Cunningham, Elizabeth Acker, Darian Huskilson, Jean Melanson, Norman Pottier

Non-Voting Members
Present: Shawna Symonds, Frank Anderson, Robert Maillet, Stephane Cyr, Patrick Melanson, Karl White, David Warner, Jeff Gushue, Joyce Young