Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Almost Forgot... another law ignored!

-------- Your tax dollars at work ---------

In February 1999 the Province of Nova Scotia issued a manual to help municipalities understand their responsibilities under the recently amended and consolidated Municipal Government Act. It included a number of bulletins that you might find interesting that relate to RDAs. Basically they all said.......

"Please note that the Regional Community Development Act does not authorize regional development authorities to own real property so transfer of real property to a “RDA” is not an option."

See Bulletins 1, 2 and 4 at: http://www.gov.ns.ca/snsmr/muns/manuals/pdf/mga/mga_info_bulletin.pdf

Question: Why would SPDA be allowed to transfer its assets and land to SWSDA (whose Board was stacked with 8 Representatives from municipal governments) a few months later. I believe Pat Nickerson the Warden for the Municipality of the District of Shelburne was on the SPDA Board at the time and also was Co-chair of SWSDA.

More importantly, why would the Department of Economic Development whose Minister was responsible for the Regional Community Development Act, quarterback the illegal transfer of the Boys School to an RDA in 2005.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't you just love to be able to administer sodium pentothol to Ernie Fage, Jamie Muir, Richard Hurlburt, Murray Scott, Pat Nickerson, Paulette Scott, Raymond Davis, Terry McIntyre, Ardith VanBuskirk, Alan Reid, Elizabeth Acker; and especially to Frank Anderson, Ralston MacDonnell, Mary Barstow and Jimmy Kendrick.

It seems this MGA amendment was either not read, not applied, or simply ignored. I'd place my wager on the last...