Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Reply to Comments I can't Post

-------- Your tax dollars at work ---------

Dear Commenter,

Thanks for your comments.....

I keep writing about things... hoping that folks will finally require those responsible to assume their responsibility for supervising staff, managing resources and administering public activities properly.

Transparent and accountable organizations do this best and so I keep fighting to open the doors at SWSDA, showing what happens when you don't.

And you are right, failure on the part of publicly funded organizations, charged with the conduct of public business by public officials, to be open to scrutiny by the public .... may lead to the kind of fraud, corruption and self-serving conflict of interest you describe and attribute to a number of people associated with SWSDA's activities.

Wow, sure am scratching my head..... but I can't and won't post accusations of wrongdoing and criminal activity without solid evidence .... for a couple of reasons.... tempting as it might be....

First, it wouldn't be fair to those being accused.

Second, it would leave me personally open to accusations of libel and slander because, even though I would not have made these accusations myself, I would be seen by the courts as responsible for the comments if I published them.

Here's what I suggest. Contact any of the following folks if you do have evidence. Suggest you do it in writing. It make take a while but be persistent. And, all have facilities for safe-guarding your identity.

Your local RCMP Office

The Nova Scotia Ombudsman

Revenue Canada

the Auditor General of Nova Scotia and Canada

and/or any government agency that provided funds for the activitiy in question.


Anonymous said...

I down loaded the Municipal Governance Act Bulletin, the link provided. SWSDA was not supposed to own real property.

How could they sell something they were not supposed to own?

Doesn't anyone in municipal council read the rules. Paulette Scott as warden should have know about an RDA's right to own property.

What is next?

Anonymous said...

What is next is for you (and others) to write to Warden Sherm Embree and ask if HE thinks the rules allow for SWSDA to own property; if HE thinks that we taxpayers are in any jeopardy from a SWSDA suit against the municipality (us); if HE is doing a damed thing about any of this.

That's what should be next.
