Monday, May 25, 2009

"Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm."

... Illegitimi non carborundum... (Don't let the bastards wear you down......)

Please take a look at Timothy's comments on the May 27 meeting Post!

Depressed about the prospects might be an understatement.....

However, I'm a "the glass is half full kind of guy".... someone once was nice enought to call me a pragmatic idealist..... I guess they were right because I still believe that "right will out".

In any event Dear Readers.... I'd be very interested in your thoughts on whether the SWSDA Board, non-voting members, civil servants, politicians and/or citizens will do the right thing and clean up this mess.... What do you think....? Post your comments here and let the rest of the world see what you think and what the odds are.....


Anonymous said...

I caught the tail end of an interview on CBC radio at noon today. A lady described a public meeting she attended where the chairman of a group complained about the lack of progress within the organization, despite numerous meetings. He asked if the audience had any advice as to what the problem was.

This lady, being a modest person, said she felt something tell her to speak up and she did. She informed the chair, that most people felt cowed by the lawyers, accountants, and the professionals on the board.

She then went on to tell of the down-to-earth means she went about helping to improve the situation. It was a tale of too many brains and not enough brawn.

Unfortunately, this brains over brawn doesn't apply to the SWSDA board - it's just the opposite I see.

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe that a development authority run the way SWSDA is run. There is no excuse for a development authority to have such a bad reputation that SWSDA has. This area needs a good, hard working development authority. A new CEO is a good place to start. A CEO can be fired, and should be fired for doing to many things wrong. The board needs a kick in the butt.

Anonymous said...

The glass is not half full it is twice as big as it needs to be with too many drinking from it!!!!!!!!!