Tuesday, May 26, 2009


-------- Inquiring Minds Need a Reminder--------- ;-)

Here are some of the folks on the Board and their email addresses.....Should you wish to write..... Suggest you copy and paste somewhere where you can refer to it .... often and easily

Ironic that I had posted it under the title "a little housekeeping"....

Sherman Embree – warden@municipalityofshelburne.ca
Elizabeth Acker - cessam@ns.sympatico.ca
Cecil Brannen – chh@eastlink.ca
Darian Huskilson – townoflockeport@ns.sympatico.ca
Louise Halliday – mobwarden@eastlink.ca
Bob Redding - rgr@reddingdrane.ca
Rod Rose – rod.rose@ns.sympatico.ca .... or..... rrose@swsda.com
Roger King – roger@cassanet.com
Phil Mooney – mayor.mooney@yarmouth-town.com
Charles LeBlanc - cleblanc@munargyle.com
Trevor Cunningham – trevor@district.yarmouth.ns.ca
Phil LeBlanc – imofoods@ns.sympatico.ca
Ronnie LeBlanc – If anyone has Ronnie LeBlanc’s email please send it in to the group.
Alain Lombard - alan.lombard@RBC.com

BTW.... Here's a copy of an email I sent out yesterday to Neal Conrad who is responsible for RDAs within the Department of Economic Development.

Dear Mr. Conrad,

Below is a note from the Minutes of the March Board meeting of SWSDA. " Nova Scotia Economic and Rural Development - A request to Mr. Conrad, NS Economic and Rural Development for a re-examination of SWSDA’s performance review. Cc. Robert Maillet (ERD), Stephane Cyr (ACOA) and Mel Coombs, (Community Economic Development, ACOA)."

1. Please provide a copy of the review in question. 2. Please provide a copy of your response to this reported request from SWSDA. 3. Please provide a comparison of SWSDA's performance review to the average for other RDA's in the Province. 4 Please provide a copy of your methodology and identify who did the review. 5. Please provide information about the consequences on SWSDA of the performance review of SWSDA. 6. If my request requires a FOIPOP application and payment of the FOIPOP fee, please let me know at your earliest convenience so that I can make the application, pay the fee and publicize your demands on my blog. 7. Failing acknowledgement of this email and/or a response from you within three working days of this email I will assume that I must file a FOIPOP application and will do so.

Yours very truly,
A. A. "Ed" Cayer

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