Sunday, May 10, 2009

Handwritten Receipts.....

-------- Your tax dollars at work ---------

It happens sometimes........

I've traveled enough to know that sometimes a receipt is lost or somone gives you a receipt with no information on it.... In those circumstances staff filing expense claims normally explain what happened and a note attached to the claim by the staff member generally suffices to accept the claim.....

On the other hand blank receipts often happen with taxi drivers in my experience.... they do it because it permits their passengers to inflate receipts, often resulting in larger tips for the taxi driver...... Heck, I even had a taxi driver in London once give a guy I was traveling with a dozen blank receipts with his signature on them... when I got back to the office we had a good laugh about it because one of my staff came back and filed his expense claim including a pile of dummy receipts.... he never figured out how I knew that he had made a terrible mistake... one that ended up on his personnel file.

Folks who double dip in my experience generally get caught at some point....... handwritten receipts or not..... at some point people start asking questions.... often with good cause. I can't believe Mr. Anderson would do that ... however, if folks want to see if there is double dipping here, the only way would be to compare expense claims over certain periods of time..... Interested parties should seek to get copies of Mr. Anderson's travel expenses from other organizations.

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