Monday, May 11, 2009

Questions to Answers

-------- Your tax dollars at work ---------

Don't have answers to all the questions raised by one of our posters but here goes nothing........

l. Who originally received the transition funding of $5 million. Was it the Municipality in '94; or Shelburne Park Development Agency (SPDA) in '96?
Answer - SPDA in 1995.
2. Which leads to, who was delegated to the SPDA as CEO and Board of Directors? Were they solely Municipality of Shelburne personnel?
Answer - CEO throughout its operation was Hugh MacKay and Board was a mix. Here is the list of the last grup on the Board....
Bruce christie, Gordon Patton (Vice Chairman), Bob Guay, Donald Bower,Garnet Hogg,Pat Nickerson, Jack MacLean (Chair),Dana Dares (Treasurer)
3. When SPDA handed the Base (with its assets, monies, properties, and mandate) over to SWSDA in '99 what remained of the $5 mil. after 3 yrs. in SPDA's hands?
Answer Some $500,000 in cash and another $500,000 I believe was held by Movie Company that sued SPDA and then SWSDA. Suit dragged on for five or six years. Don't know what happened to second $500,000. Court documents are available at Supreme Court for the curious.
4. What actions created the "purported" debt the Municipality of Shelburne owes SWSDA?
Answer Don't know but would assume that it was the product of another secret deal that elected officials refuse to talk about but I am told have legal opinions about. For those who there, you will remember Raymond Davis talking about it during the dust up about the Boys School and the Base when Reg Ridgley and Paulette wanted to buy the two. I always assumed that part of the reason for this effort was to facilitate the burial of this debt and avoidance of SWSDA's threatened lawsuit.
5. How has that affected the working relationship between SWSDA and the Municipality of Shelburne? This question leads to many possible scenarios.

Answer Pat Nickerson and Paulette Scott were VERY CLOSE WITH FRANK ANDERSON.
6. Did Nickerson and Scott release their SWSDA related paperwork to the municipality when they "departed", or is it still in their possession?
Answer Don't think so.... someone should ask's her email.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info; that's helpful to have a better idea of what actually transpired from the closure in '94 until SWSDA got it in '99.

To think that Mary and Jimmy are laughing all the way to the bank - what is wrong with this picture...