Saturday, May 16, 2009

When First We Practice to Deceive.....

Team Shelburne...... Hope you've looked at Team Shelburne Minutes at the Barrington Web page. (Brian Holland has done a terrific job of compiling, recording and posting Minutes of Team Shelburne meetings.)
It'll help you see (at least part of) what was going on in public..... This letter will show you what was going on behind the scenes with SWSDA and Mr. Anderson.

In the letter to your right(click on it to expand it) Mr. Anderson assures Team Shelburne a week before the closing of the sale of the Nova Scotia Boys School that SWSDA will forward a list of invoices received and paid on a monthly basis to Team Shelburne..... Don't know if they ever did.... maybe you should ask your representative on Team Shelburne if they ever received ANY invoices or receipts from SWSDA!

In the letter, Mr. Anderson also assures Team Shelburne that all funds for the Youth Centre since inception have "...been held in a separate interest bearing project account." Like most reasonable people I am sure Team Shelburne members thought this meant the money was not commingled and/or susceptible to "being dissipated" along with all other SWSDA money, and that the money was actually collecting interest.



1. Do you think Mr. Anderson deceived Team Shelburne?

2. Do you think he did it on purpose?

3. If you had an employee do this to you what would you do?

You probably will recall or may have read that Parker Comeau wanted to go to the RCMP and spoke out about what he thought was happening when he heard .... however, Alan Reid, the Town of Shelburne's representative on the SWSDA Board and an avowed supporter of Mr. Anderson was opposed to the motion.... I've got a copy of the video of Council that night and everything Mr. Reid said in Mr. Anderson's defence... if I can digitize it I'll load it up to refresh people's memories... our present Mayor Delaney was at Council that night so I'm sure he'll remember.

In response.... Mr. Anderson used our tax dollars to hire high-priced lawyers to write threats of defamation lawsuits unless retractions were made .... immediately.... and sure enough both Mr. Comeau and the Chronicle Herald "did the necessary".... how do you spell "hutzpah"? My old Aunt Rose would have said that Mr.Anderson had "more nerve than the devil". I usually agree with Aunt Rose.... she was pretty smart about people.....

All of this sort of reminds of .... the first time I saw a shell game when I was fourteen and in New York City for the first time on a trip with my high school band... I'll never forget the fast-talking guy with the cigar and the three shells and a pea on a street corner... boy.... was he making money.... I was fascinated and never figured out how he could fool people so easily who were standing so close to him .... and watching him so closely......

Guess scrutiny involves more than proximity.....


Anonymous said...

My two cents worth -
l. Yes, it appears Frank Anderson knew exactly what he was doing, and wilfully hid (in other SWSDA project accounts), or spent (on other projects YAIC's included) all Boy School funds.
2. Yes, it was a purposeful act of defrauding not only the citizens of Shelburne Co., but members of Team Shelburne who wasted their time for naught.
3. If he was my employee and in charge of funds of this size, at the first suspicion of wrong doing I would have my books thoroughly audited, and upon finding embezzlement or misappropriation of funds, I would report it immediately to the RCMP.

Therefore, the board members are guilty of dereliction of duties - Mayor Comeau was correct in his call for an investigation, and if I'm not mistaken, he called for a separate RDA for Shelburne Co. at that time. Councillor Reid definitely misled his Mayor on this one.

I notice in Frank's reply to Mr. Holland's email that the invoices would "be approved by the signing officers" before payment was made on "preparation of the property for sale" invoices.

Sorry, I can't find in my scrawlings who the Secretary and Treasurer were in 2007 - I assume Rod Rose was Chairman, and Mayor Huskilson was Treasurer? (I do remember 2009 has put all signing authority in the Yarmouth/Clare trio's hands.)

Thanks for your work on a gorgeous Saturday fellows! My eye is twitching after seeing what has transpired in Shelburne Co., no thanks to our elected officials.

Anonymous said...

If former Mayor Comeau realised what was afoot and present Mayor Delaney knew...then why did Delaney become Mayor... It seems like Comeau had the fortitude to act on his suspicions. What about the councillors that returned with Delaney?
Are they aiding and abeting?Is this a rerunof Peyton Place or Dallas?

Anonymous said...

I think I smell a dirty rat! I never put two and two together, as the previous poster has.

What did former Councillors Delaney and Reid know, and when did they know it? Crikey, this whole affair is getting complicated!

I emailed both Warden Embree and Mayor Delaney, and I'm still waiting for a reply from both officials. I'm glad it appears you are busy fellows, and are getting your ducks in a row, as you have limited choices to make in any future talks with the Y'mouth gang. Hopefully, the route you choose will be for the betterment of the communities involved in this whole farce.

Anonymous said...

It appears there's much deception in the configuration of these deals. I suspect Frank has clamps on everybody to get away with what he has for so long.

Anonymous said...

I notice The Chronically Horrid won't print any comments concerning SWSDA this past week. Do you suppose Frank and his lawyers are threatening them with a defamation lawsuit again? Only in Nova Scotia could our sole daily newspaper be under siege by the Yarmouth mafia! Unreal - what year is this anyway?