Sunday, May 10, 2009

A Little Housekeeping!

-------- Your tax dollars at work ---------

Over 2,800 hits in last three days!

Not only a lot of traffic but also... a lot of comments and questions. To clean up the page a bit I've tried to answer some of the questions raised in comments made by readers in the past couple days. I've copied the comments in abbreviated fashion to keep the volume down and tried not to lose the flavour of the posting in so doing. Hope I was successful. If youa re interested an have not sen the posted comments, they are available in their entirety following each of the blogs.

Many of you asked for information or made inquiries and I've tried as best I can to respond... Hope that works for everyone....

Here are the comments and responses......

Comment: This is an opportune time for Louise Halliday to speak up, and let the community hear her take on the situation within SWSDA.

Response: Warden Halliday took over the Chair of Team Shelburne after Darrian Huskilson resigned. When he resigned he wrote an open letter in the Coast Guard complaining about the manner in which the Boys School sale was managed. I am told that Louise Halliday has been working to make SWSDA more accountable; however, the stranglehold over the good governance of SWSDA has limited any improvements in accountability. In the meantime she and Brian Holland have tried to make Team Shelburne more transparent.

Since 2006/2007 members of Team Shelburne, often led by Darrian Huskilson have tried to make SWSDA accountable for management of the maintenance fund and the proceeds from the sale of the Boys School. If you go to the Municipality of Barrington’s web site ( you will find minutes of Team Shelburne meetings going back to June 2007 illustrating the ongoing efforts of the Shelburne municipalities.

Comment: Apathy appears not only applicable to the voters of Shelburne Co., but also to the Board of Directors, especially the Treasurer, of SWSDA.

Response: As Treasurer of SWSDA Darrian Huskilson tried on numerous occasions to make Mr. Anderson more accountable but without the support of others on the Board of Directors at the time.

Comment: I can see my boss's face if any of us claimed a beer here or there. He guarded the feds money as if it was his own. Where was the treasurer during all of this.

Response: I understand that when Mr. Husklison tried to make Mr. Anderson more accountable he was told by Rod Rose, Paulette Scott and others that he was over-stepping his authority. Actually, the first person responsible for supervising Mr. Anderson is the Chair and/or Co-chair of SWSDA according to their Bylaws. For the better part of the last 14 years that would have been Rod Rose, Pat Nickerson and Paulette Scott. Pat Nickerson is now allowed to attend SWSDA meetings as the non-voting representative for Gerald Keddy while the public is not allowed in.

Comment: Why isn't Mr. Huskilson speaking out about his removal? I can't figure that one out, as it seems he would want to clear his name in this mess, and not be seen as part of the problem. The solution to the whole thing is a change in the provincial government, and if Mr. Huskilson won't speak up, maybe Sterling will. I'm listening...

Response: Actually, Darrian Huskilson has spoken out repeatedly…indeed, he stood alone before the whole Board recently …. he did so at the recent meeting of the SWSDA Board held in Shelburne when he spoke out in favour of public access to SWSDA Board meetings. In fact, it was reported in the Coast Guard. Go to the SWSDA web page at and you will see the article dated March 24, 2009….. as well as many other articles related to SWSDA’s doings….

The end result was the move of the next SWSDA meeting from Barrington to Yarmouth to avoid public pressure again in Shelburne…… Now I hear that SWSDA is talking about closing their office in Shelburne and holding all of their meetings in Yarmouth or Clare!

Comment: The land deals in Shelburne seem to be reason enough to have an audit done of SWSDA. It is election time, my suggestion is tell everyone you know to demand an audit of SWSDA, force Dexter and Mac Neil to back this demand.

Response: Both the NDP and the Liberals have asked for audits. I have been unable to move Eddie Nickerson ( a former SWSDA Board Member) to publicly push for an audit.

Comment: This is Provincial Money - Office of the Auditor General of Nova Scotia
Mr.Jacques Lapointe -
This is Federal Money - Office of the Auditor General of Canada
Ms. Sheila Fraser -
Send e-mails to both auditor generals and your mayors and wardens. Tell them what you think , I did.

Response: Here are the Board Members and their email addresses should you wish to ask questions or make suggestions.

Sherman Embree –
Elizabeth Acker - cessam@ns.sympatico.caCecil Brannen –
Darian Huskilson –
Louise Halliday –
Bob Redding - rgr@reddingdrane.caRod Rose –
Roger King –
Phil Mooney –
Charles LeBlanc - cleblanc@munargyle.comTrevor Cunningham –
Phil LeBlanc –
Ronnie LeBlanc – If anyone has Ronnie LeBlanc’s email please send it in to the group.
Alain Lombard -

Here is the Department of Economic Development person in charge of RDA programs who has permitted SWSDA to get funding without complying with the Regional Communities Development Act. Write to him. Neal Conrad -

Comment: The land deals in Shelburne seem to be reason enough to have an audit done of SWSDA. It is election time, my suggestion is tell everyone you know to demand an audit of SWSDA, force Dexter and Mac Neil to back this demand.

Response: See email addresses provided earlier.

Comment: Thanks for these email addresses. It will give us a chance to voice our dismay at what appears to be an RDA gone bad to the core.

Response: Actually the impact of the present governance of SWSDA effects all nine communities in Shelburne and Yarmouth Counties as well as Clare. Remember, this Board is governed by representatives selected by our nine municipal governments.

Comment: Yes, if they have an accountant sitting on the Board of Directors, how are these expenses escaping the Board's review, or does anyone review his expenses? …. Delaney doesn't have what it takes to improve matters within SWSDA. Wake up and smell the coffee people - cast your ballot wisely this time around! My vote goes to the man with the most answers or info on SWSDA - I'm listening, but not hearing anything - yet...

Response: Bob Redding sits on the Baord as a voting member selected by Shelburne Municipalties but I doubt he’s ever seen or asked to see Mr. Anderson’s expenses. Mr. Delaney campaigned on improving relations with SWSDA…. Hard to tell if his strategy is working with the talk about closure of the SWSDA office in Shelburne and the move of all future SWSDA Board meetings out of Shelburne County.

Comment: Fred, I wonder if anyone has the answer as far as a course of action the taxpayers of Shelburne Co. can take to make SWSDA accountable for their actions or inaction?

Response: There are always options. One of them is to get independent review of SWSDA’s Governance and actions. Over 500 people in Shelburne have asked the Provincial Ombudsman and I understand that review is underway. Another option is for Shelburne County folks to demand their own RDA … separate from SWSDA.

Comment: Am I the only poster who feels SWSDA's CEO shouldn't be attending political party functions? It seems risky having the CEO known to be a Tory supporter, with the chance of the NDP or Libs winning in this election. Is the CEO safe in keeping this position with a change in government, or can he be removed with just cause?

Response: I haven’t seen his contract so don’t know what provisions there are for his replacement. Send in a request for his contract and let me know what you think…. If you get a copy…..

Comment: If I had submitted claims like Frank I would have lasted at my job one month if that. The N.S. Gov Travel Expense Act:
"...fraudulent irregularity in the travel expense claim submitted by an employee, or any other misuse or misappropriation of funds, will result in disciplinary action, which may include termination..."

Response: I haven’t identified anyone within SWSDA in a supervisory position who has even looked at Mr. Anderson’s expenses…. Hard to take action if the information needed to act on is never compiled.

Comment: Now, how do we get all of these illegal expenses reimbursed to the SWSDA expense fund?. As for Darian, I am totally cross that you didn't speak out when you were removed as Treasurer, and extremely cross at your peers who didn't speak up in support of your demands.

Response: I agree that you should be cross with Darrian Huskilson’s fellow Board Members. However, over the past two years alone, he has spoken out repeatedly and it has been reported in the local press without any reaction from the public…. Sorry, after the Board of Directors and elected officials in our communities (Mayors, Wardens and Councillors) , the public has a fair measure of the blame lying at its doorstep for its failure to raise the issues forcefully and demanding that Mayor Huskilson be supported in his lonely battle.

Comment: I read on SWSDA's website that Darian Huskilson is the Treasurer, and Rod Rose is the Chairman. When was Darian removed? Who is the current Treasurer? Frank's too busy with fine dining to ensure his website is updated regularly me thinks. Was this Vegas trip SWSDA related? If not, why would he submit expenses during this travel?

Response: Darian ceased being Treasurer last summer I believe and I’m not sure who is acting as Treasurer at this time…..anyone out there know? Taxpayers pay for an expensive personal membership for Mr. Anderson in a private club….He was in Vegas for one of their meetings…. In 2005/2006 he attended one in Las Vegas and one in Toronto… both very expensive week-long affairs. More about this in a future blog

Comment: How could he and his wife spend 300 (plus 50 tip) on a meal at The Keg? That place isn't fine dining. Even with drinks it wouldn't add up. This had to be for more than two people eating out on our money.

Response: Can’t tell from expense slips since none of them have any information about the purpose or participants in any of these booze and food expenses.

Comment: This is unbelievable. Why haven't we heard of this before? I can imagine what the grand total would be from the mid 90's to 2009. Unreal. Why isn't the Coast Guard reporting this? Maybe Huskilson doesn't deserve our vote if he knew this was going on.

Response: Mayor Huskilson is the only one who has waged an ongoing battle to right these problems for some time without any help. Moreover, he has made sure the public was advised through his letters to the Editor and interviews with the Coast Guard, without any response or support from the public and nothing but ridicule from the Co-chairs of SWSDA – the former Wardens of Shelburne.

Comment: Is Shelburne's Mayor...hide from public view....Delaney overly cozy with the Teflon Don?

Response: Mayor Delaney ran on a platform of improving relationships with SWDA and Mr. Anderson and the folks in Shelburne supported him. Maybe you should ask him. Here’s his email address.

Comment: Why haven't I seen anything about this in The Coast Guard, or Chronically Horrid, or even Frank Magazine?

Response: See articles posted on SWSDA site from newspapers and read Frank magazine’s latest article about the sell-off of prime properties at the old Naval Base. At an October 15, 2008 SWSDA Board meeting it is reported that Mr. Anderson thought he had a deal with the chronicle Herald not to publicize information about the Contempt Case against SWSDA and Mr. Anderson. When Bev Ware from Bridgewater wrote an article about it and it was published , Mr. Anderson claimed he was going to be “seeking answers on this matter from the head office of the Chronicle Herald."

Comment: I wonder if Canada Revenue Agency has been contacted to audit SWSDA expense accounts? They have a unit that travels around doing this sort of thing and they are relentless. It sounds like none of Anderson's poorly-documented claims would be accepted. He could owe a significant amount of money once they reach a judgment on how many of these are personal benefits and not legitimate expenses.

Response: Great idea….. who wants to contact them and sew the seed?

Comment: Who is Jason Hollet? The SWSDA website doesn't show him as a staff member. Is this because the website is outdated, or is he someone within the Tory party, or was he a possible investor in this area? Enquiring minds would like to know...

Response: Jason worked for SWSDA on an energy program. Don’t know what he is doing now.

Comment: I bet "Frank Does Europe", 13-22 Jun 05, cost us more than crystal from Austria, duty free booze, and Jason Hollett's $500 room expense. Did anything positive come out of this trip, or have I missed something? I assume the Norway binge was during another period, or were Hurlburt and Hood in on this one?

Response: I will be publishing about Mr. Anderson’s travel expense claims related to the Austrian trip. However, I do not know much about the purpose or results…… understand it may have been about twinning Clare with a community in Austria… but am not sure…. Can anyone in Clare answer the questions?

Comment: Mr. Cayer, When did this RDA start to go off the rails or has it always operated with the closed door policy?

Response: I am told by those who were involved that it was from day one and helped along in its early years by the Co-chair from Shelburne, Pat Nickerson.


Anonymous said...

I don't think you've missed a question - thanks!

Apologies to Mr. Huskilson for not fully realizing what he has done to try to correct things. I've read a few articles in the Coast Guard, and many on the SCToday website, but I was expecting too much from one man. You are looking better everyday Darian! Thanks for your efforts without any assistance from the deadwood on the Board of Directors. I now know we can depend on you to delve deeply into this problem if given the opportunity.

I realized that SWSDA included Clare and Yarmouth Co., but all we hear about is Yarmouth this and Yarmouth that, with Clare tossed in here and there. It would be interesting to see what each municipality and town received over the years in SWSDA project funding. Now that should be on SWSDA's website!

Hey Frank, you could employ a summer student to compile the list - just cutting back on your entertainment expenses would pay quite a portion of the salary. Oh, I forgot, those files are Top Secret aren't they.

Anonymous said...

I noticed that you said many receipts are hand written on scraps of paper, is it possible that Frank is charging these same expenses to other organizations, I see he is on a number of boards and committees, chances are good I am right

Anonymous said...

I forget where I found it now, but SWSDA has a site where their projects for the past three or four years are posted. They sure need an upgraded website. Check out the others in the province and you'll see what I mean. It is so nice to see communities are doing well with their RDA. Did we get dissed by Frank and Hurlburt or what!

Anonymous said...

Don't you get it? Neither Frank or Hurlburt plan to do anything for Shelburne. It is simply not in the plan. As for Gerald Keddy he only comes near Shelburne when he sees an election in his wine glass.Shelburne Mayor Delaney is a joke motivated by personal greed and ego.Shelburme county is being run on the apathy of the people.

Anonymous said...

Re: Comment, l5 May 09 ll:0l am

We got the message a long time ago, but what do we do about it? Do we roll over and play dead, or do we demand action beginning with our local weekly?

A paragraph here and there doesn't get read by the majority of people. We need blaring headlines, with articles on what Ed has discovered since he won the latest case against Frank and his minions. I want to see his "suspect" expenses shown in big, bold, RED type.

I want the "On The Street" Q & As, that would at least draw some folks to check to see whether their neighbour's mug made it in the paper.

I want in-depth interviews with all the candidates.

I want to see a long interview with Mr. Cayer.

Sadly, 80% of our apathetic voters haven't a clue as to what is happening in their region; they are too busy putting food on the table, to worry about what the pols are doing.

Signed: I'mnotgoingtotakeitanymore!

Anonymous said...

It is certainly a boom to everyones sense of well being to know that Gerald Keddy has appointed Pat Nickerson. Is this a party favor or a party joke? Get it!!! Scotty beam me up..............

Anonymous said...

Egad, to think I'm going to have to ditch Keddy now too. What's a person to do when they've always voted Tory? Frank, Hurlburt, Keddy and all you career troughers, you have put a damper on any support you had in this area. Get out of the taxpayer'$ pockets and get a job!
