Friday, June 5, 2009

HI HO! Hi HO! Its off to vote I go!!!!

-------- Your tax dollars at work ---------


Going to take advantage of the advanced polls today... don't want to miss the opportunity to cast my ballot and I want to encourage all of you dear readers to exercise your right, privilege and responsibility to cast your ballot to determine who will be given the mantle of responsibility for leading our civil affairs.


In my case, I am caught on the proverbial horns of a dilemma..... I know.... I know the old saying.... "that's why God gave economists two hands"..... ;) On the one hand this... on the other hand that....!!

Sterling Belliveau our present MLA has always responded to my requests and met with me without hesitation and listened attentively.... the result on one occasion was his request to the Auditor General to do an audit of SWSDA.... gotta respect that..... and his leader Dexter is a thoughtful, articulate responsible soul who has been diligent and respectful of the citizen community, even as he sat in opposition for those long, lean years. I have concerns about ideologues in all parties and I know that NDPers have their share of them.

I have watched Darian Huskilson wage a lonely battle with SWSDA in his efforts to protect the interests of the folks in Shelburne County as a member of SWSDA, Chair of Team Shelburne and Mayor of Lockeport. He has done so, while the previous Wardens Scott and Nickerson appeared to be doing everything they could to frustrate his efforts. ( During one Municipality of Shelburne meeting I even heard Nickerson indicate after Mr. Huskilson had left that she thought it was rude of Mr. Huskilson to appear before MOS Council while he still appeared to have oil on his hands.) Unfortunately, not one member of Council sitting at the table (including Ms Scott who was Chairing the meeting) demanded that she retract the statement or apologize. His party Chief MacNeil I know less well but I have been listening to him attentively too. I have concerns about the old time Liberals in the party who hanker for the old days when friends could be rewarded out of public coffers.

I have spoken a number of times with Eddie Nickerson and shared my views with him about SWSDA as the presumptive PC candidate, member of Barrington's Council and member of the SWSDA Board. Alas, I am not aware of those discussions prompting any action on his part. On the other hand, I have watched his leader Rodney MacDonald make a mockery of the concept of accountability while he dragged the province back to pre-John Buchanan days, increased secrecy, reduced transparency and first-at-the-trough approach to governing. He is a failed experiment and should return to Cape Breton to write his political memoirs while someone still remembers what he did. Unfortunately folks like Chris d'Entremount who I believe is a good man in the wrong party.... get tarred with the same brush... but 10 or 15 years in the hinterland might not be bad for this party.

SOOO.... who will I vote for....?

Can't tell... don't know and probably won't decide.... until I get into the booth.... a bit like going into a good restaurant... looking at the menu.... seeing one thing you definitely don't want and two things you like but aren't sure which would be better.....

Tough, eh? And the pressure's on!!


Anonymous said...

There are many who feel the same Ed. We're all torn between a man who brought his town back from the brink and fought SWSDA's nefarious ways; and a man who has served the area as well as could be expected while serving with the opposition. Both parties carry baggage, but there's hope the backroom boys will keep their hands off the winner of this one! Hopefully N.S. will gain a leader who has the province's welfare at heart, and not more of the trough feeding we've witnessed under Rodney's watch.
- gangofthree/maythebestmanwin

Anonymous said...

Get real! NDP is the only choice!!!