Tuesday, June 2, 2009


-------- Your tax dollars at work ---------


What happens to the stranglehold that Conservatives and Liberals have on local politics and power if one becomes a rump party and the other the Official Opposition.

Where will the power base be in Yarmouth and surrounding areas to bring about change... and of the old network... what I refer to as the "YARMOUTH BROTHERHOOD" (Cuz' ... there sure aren't (m)any Sisters involved)..... What becomes of them?

Anyone out there know?


Anonymous said...

Ed,essentially a new fraternity of brothers/sisters will be formed all with good ideals(well,some) and then one bad apple spoils the whole barrel.Yes, the corrupt MLAs(if they are so) must go.But Frank and the corrupt boards have to go. Either the all organization has to be regrooved and staffed or all is wasted.Municipal councillors think they are not answerable for the crimes of the boards they sleep on.At any rate in Shelburne the Town Mafia appears to control everthing.By the way has anyone seen Mayor Delaney? Isn't Delaney and Anderson in thick or is that a rumour. I would think Frank has better tastes..............

Anonymous said...

All the boards and committees MUST BE cleaned up.

Anonymous said...

The election won't be over and Uncle Frank will have already exceeded his expense on paper shredders. Believe me it's his only choice. Frank's gang and the Mun. boards are circling their wagons and waiting! And when they get scalped they'll all sing. Tic Toc it won't be long now

Anonymous said...

Who knows what happened at the SWSDA meeting last week?I'm surprised there isn't more news on it. Were Warden Embree, Elizabeth Acker, Louise Halliday and Lonnie Townsend there as window dressing - or did they actually accomplish anything?
Anon 4:50 - Geez, that's all we need is Delaney and Frank as a team. I thought things might get cleaned up with a new mayor, but guess Parker knew what he was doing after all. It seems that Embree is the wrench in straightening out what the old council and Frank made a mess of. Am I wrong?
As for the the PC ouster, I betcha Richie is busy removing fingerprints and leaving a clean filing cabinet. Audit please!

Anonymous said...

Our small town pols may think they are flying under the radar like Hurlburt and Frank, but it will catch up to them eventually. The area needs more in the line of planning for the future, instead of playing the old party politics that have resulted in the area regressing instead of progressing. Dump the politics and put your efforts into improving this community - if not, resign.
As for Hurlburt and his mini-mafia, their days are numbered, so there's hope the new prov. gov. will begin putting things in order which the PCs have neglected doing. The past three years of Rodney's inability to see past his nose is going to take time to correct.
from hopingforimprovementsinourlocalcouncils