Friday, June 5, 2009

Yarmouth County

-------- Your tax dollars at work ---------

Anyone want to comment on election in Yarmouth and prospects.... ???

For example....

If Hurlburt wins again and the Conservatives end up not even being the official opposition.... what will that do to Yarmouth's power base in the Province?

If Mooney wins.... and Liberals form the Official Opposition, who becomes the MLA in Cabinet from Yarmouth and area?

And... last but not least.... if David Olie wins... shock... bewilderment.. amazement.... would he get a Cabinet seat?

Share your views with the rest of the great unwashed...... it could be interesting.....

And regardless of who wins.... what impact do you think that will have on increased transparency and accountability?


Anonymous said...

There is nothing wrong with having a development authority. I hope that will be one after the smoke clears. We need a good hard working development authority. A development authority that uses our tax money in a good way. In an honest way. We need a development authority that really makes a positive difference in our lives.

I hope that this blog does not do away with the idea of a good development authority. I hope that this blog makes someone do something to make a good development authority.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, what are the chances Hurlburt will lose to Mooney? Seems Mooney's bro the Mayor is in the can for Frank, but unless the Libs come up with more seats Mooney will be in the same position Sterling was in the past three yrs. It appears to be a lose, lose on both sides at this point and I betcha Hurlburt wishes he had played a cleaner game - so much for climbing into Rodney's shoes. Pity!

Lakeview Larry said...

I'll be voting for Olie, I really hope he can make good on his promise of full public accountability for agencies like SWSDA. Unfortunately all you see and hear everywhere is Hurlburt going on about how he's done so much good for Yarmouth, fought so hard for us and blah blah blah. I have 3 of his fliers sitting on my table that came in the mail in less than a week, and the only thing he mentions is the renewed air service. Big whoop, it's mostly just another way for Anderson and his boys to spend more of our money.

I'm trying to think of positive things that Hurlburt has done for downtown Yarmouth during his long stay in office, and I can't think of a single one.

Anonymous said...

I guess this is our chance to make a BIG change in gov, and if they blow it we can at say we tried. Can't be any worse than what we've seen in the last 3 yrs and if they get a majority there won't be many of the old gang hanging around to live off the taxpayers anymore - think of the money we'd save.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, they are history, they have to stay indoors this weekend, shredding.