Monday, June 1, 2009

Will it take a change in government?

-------- Your tax dollars at work ---------

When Will Enough be Enough?
Now we know from these postings that :
A. Mr. Anderson's expense and entertainment claims raise a number of questions, especially respecting the estimated $32 Thousand dollars spent in just two watering holes in Yarmouth and another $20 or $25 Thousand dollars spent in the Triangle Ale House in Halifax over the years;
B. SWSDA's own audited financial statements indicate that SWSDA has spent some $2 million dollars on travel, meetings and conferences;
C. SWSDA has liquidated property in Shelburne in just nine months with a replacement value of $50 million;
D. SWSDA has received more than $4 million in cash, promissory notes and other assets as a result of their acquisition and sale of these two properties - just in the last couple of years;
E. SWSDA's Board has authorized the launching of a lawsuit against the Municipality of Shelburne for a reported $2.3 million; and,
Why..... has nothing been done to correct this situation?
Where .... do we turn to within government to straighten this out?
What..... needs to be done to make this organization accountable?
Who.... will assume responsibility and get the job done?
When.... can we expect appropriate action?


Anonymous said...

YAIC, oops I mean SWSDA, doesn't stand a chance in recouping this "purported" debt they claim MoS owes them. Their hands are so filthy at this stage, the only ones who will come out of the dust-up without many bruises will be McInnes Cooper, and we saw how well Belliveau did in the last N.S. Supreme Court case with Ed - LOL. Pursuing this 2.3 million means they'd have to air more dirty laundry in court - much of which Frank would prefer to leave in SWSDA's hamper I'm sure. Hmmm, on the other hand what's to say MoS won't sue SWSDA for misappropriation of proceeds from those two scandalous land deals?


Anonymous said...

Your, "When can we expect...?" It's going to take time to audit Rodney's books to see what went where. If we're lucky McNeil or Dexter will call for an audit of Hurlburt's, I mean SWSDA/YAIC books soon after being sworn in as Premier.

"Office of Auditor General a servant of and reports to the House...responsibilities and authorities are derived from the AG Act and other legislation...specifies the responsibility to examine the accounts of the province and its various agencies..." ( website)

Fr: ifthebritsandnfldcandoitwecantoo

Anonymous said...

There certainly should be an audit. The process should include not only an accounting for monies but also procedures. Every council member who has been on the SWSDA ought to be audited.Quite frankly Frank could not pull off what he is accussed of if there were others other directly involved by licking from the gravy bowl or indirectly by looking the other way. Neither civil servants or board members should ever be allowed to partake in group or individual apathy. This whole mess is akin to The Dukes of Hazards.Boss Hurlburt and the councilors can be taken out at election time.The others will require abit more effort.

Anonymous said...

Just read our weekly and without going into details, I'm curious. Years ago town and municipal employees normally kept their political views private to protect their jobs. Is partisanship interfering with the efficiency of our town and municipal governments these days? If it is, it's enough of a headache to keep on top of what the prov. pols are doing, let alone what our reps are doing behind the scene - just wondering.