Tuesday, June 2, 2009

How its Done!

-------- Your tax dollars at work ---------

Here's a Sample!

Below please find a copy of one of the cover sheets submitted as part of the 147 pages of travel and entertainment expense claims made to SWSDA by Mr. Anderson in FY 2005/2006. The blacked out portions were made by Mr. Anderson and/or his solicitor before the copies of Mr. Anderson's travel and entertainment expenses were provided to me. Just click on image to enlarge. Here are my questions:

1. Who approved this claim?
2. What currency was used?
3. What are notations about NSBI about?
4. Who was entertained, what was the purpose and what was accomplished?
5. Why is Pam's Room on here?
6. What are conversion rates if applicable?
7. What was daily meal allowance and how was it calculated?
8. Was daily meal allowance deducted from entertainment claims?

Just a few of the many.....

Got Questions? ...... Got Answers? ...... Got Comments?


Anonymous said...

Frank, Pam Thibault, Jason Hollett and Clare's Warden Melanson had a great vacation in Austria! Considering ACOA and its branch NSBI were involved, was it necessary to have Frank and Pam attend this ten day trade mission which had nothing to do with exports? Jason was SWSDA's alternative energy expert and it was Melanson's idea to check out N.S. summer resident Martin Prauhart's hometown of Gussing. With all of the reps from ACOA, NSBI, Dept of Energy and Resources, and ADI Horner Engineering, surely Frank and Pam could have been briefed on the expert's evaluations of Gussing's energy self-reliance program. The trip cost a fortune for three (3) SWSDA employees and the Warden of Clare and this region gained zippo from the trip. To the Board of Directors of SWSDA who approved this junket, shame on you, and shame on us for allowing you to let Frank to run the show for so long. This one page of expenses says it all. Audit please!

From, whohasthepieceofcrystal?

Anonymous said...

Even the purpose of the trip is blacked out. I wonder what the Judge will think about that ?

They are ordered to give information ? In a contempt court thing ?

Lakeview Larry said...

oh my God that is insane!